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发布时间:2018-03-23 02:34

  本文选题:不定代词one 切入点:非个人化叙事 出处:《外语研究》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The referential meaning of the indefinite pronoun one is ambiguous, and its skillful use in the novel can add a narrative impersonal color and help to elevate the character's experience or viewpoint into a collective one. Even human common experience or universal truth. An investigation of the translation of the indefinite pronoun one in the novel into Chinese has found that the translation of one into "he / she", "I", "us" or "person" or "people" can narrow or misinterpret its ambiguous referential meaning. The inconsistency of the same translation to one translation in different contexts may also lead to the misreading of the target language readers. In Chinese, the referential speaker himself can refer to anyone's two personal pronouns "you" and "one" have the same referential meaning. Therefore, the translation of one into "you" can reproduce the ambiguous meaning of the word and its impersonal narrative color.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学外国语言文学博士后流动站;湖北文理学院;


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1 徐存良;;析不定代词独立扩展成分的句法功能[A];中国首届“海峡两岸俄语教学与研究学术讨论会”论文集[C];2005年

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1 耿璐;从社会符号学角度探讨文学作品中词语指称意义的翻译[D];南京大学;2015年




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