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发布时间:2018-03-23 07:08

  本文选题:概念隐喻翻译 切入点:概念合成网络模式 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Conceptual metaphor is an important concept in cognitive linguistics, which enables people to understand complex and abstract concepts with familiar concrete concepts. Conceptual metaphor is ubiquitous in poetry. It can be a simple image. Traditional translation theories limit the study of conceptual metaphor in poetry to rhetorical semantic category and neglect the cognitive nature of metaphor. With the development of metaphor research and the integration of multi-disciplinary theories, the traditional translation theory is limited to the rhetorical semantic category and neglects the cognitive nature of metaphor. Conceptual metaphorical translation is constantly deepening with the change of metaphorical cognition. As an indispensable metaphorical propositional model in cognitive linguistics, Conceptual Synthesis Theory is produced mainly by analyzing the process of cognitive construction. Conceptual synthesis network model is based on psychological space, all spaces are interlinked through cross-domain projection, and finally through combination and perfection in synthetic space. Although great achievements have been made in the contrastive study of conceptual metaphor translation in Chinese classical poetry, the contrastive study of conceptual metaphor translation in poetry is mostly a study of translation techniques. There are few contrastive studies on the English translation of artistic conception metaphors, and there are few empirical studies on the translation of poetic metaphors from the conceptual synthesis theory. Xu Yuanchong is a famous translator in China. He has made great contributions to the translation of Tang poetry and Song ci into English. He practiced his theory of three beauties, cultural theory and creative optimization translation theory to highlight the aesthetic effect of the original poem. Yu Wen-an is an outstanding sinologist in the United States. In the process of translation, alienation is often used to preserve the native features of the original poem, so that the foreign readers can feel the difference between the two languages and literature, giving the target language readers wide reading space. The translations of the two translators are highly praised by the readers. Therefore, this paper selects the two translators' versions as the corpus, and establishes the parallel corpus of XYCPARA and OWENPRARA. with the help of the ABBYYAligner software, the two versions are aligned and annotated, with the help of ParaConc software and Antconc software. The differences in translation styles of conceptual metaphors between the two translators at the linguistic characteristics, stylistic and textual levels are compared, and the cognitive mechanism hidden in conceptual metaphor translation is explained from the optimization principle of conceptual synthesis theory and the network model, and the causes are explored. The analysis shows that conceptual metaphors in Tang and Song poetry include three categories: image metaphor, conventional metaphor and artistic conception metaphor. The explicit features of Yu Wensu-an 's translation are more obvious, while Xu Yuanchong's translation is more concise and accurate. In terms of stylistic style, Xu Yuanchong stresses poetry translation, while Yu Wensu-an 's translation mainly consists of prose long sentences. The contrastive analysis of Xu Yuanchong's English translation tends to be domesticated, while Yu Wensu-an 's English translation tends to be dissimilated. The contrastive analysis shows that Xu Yuanchong's translation better preserves the image schema and pragmatic charm of the original metaphor, while Yuwensuan's version can convey the meaning of the original work. It is helpful for the western readers to understand poetry, but the logic and pragmatic intention are not well expressed. The differences between psychological cognitive differences and cognitive contextual interpretation in the two languages are the fundamental reasons for metaphorical equivalence translation and differential translation. Conceptual composition Theory can better explain the translatability and untranslatability of conceptual metaphor translation in poetry. It is hoped that the views put forward in this paper will contribute to the study of cross-cultural metaphor translation and poetry metaphorical translation.


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