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发布时间:2018-03-26 10:09

  本文选题:《生态伦理学导论》 切入点:翻译报告 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This translation practice report is a summary of the whole translation process on the basis of the translation of the seventh chapter, "Middle Green or moderate Ecological Ethics". Ecological ethics is also called environmental ethics. Its ideological origins can be traced back to the animal conservation movement in Britain in the 18th century and the nature conservation movement in the 19th century in the United States. In the seventh chapter of the book, the author talks about the relevant contents of the ecological ethics of middle green, including many related concepts. For example, animal rights, animal liberation, etc. According to the translation of Chapter 7, "moderate or moderate Ecological Ethics", the author has completed this practical report. This report mainly includes the following four aspects: translation task description, translation process description, and so on. Translation case analysis and translation practice summary. Translation task description part. The author mainly describes the source of the translation practice material, the author's brief introduction, the introduction of the work and the significance of the selected topic, the translation process description part, The author mainly explains the preparation before translation, the revision and reading of the first draft, the refinement and the final version; the case analysis of translation is the core of this practice report, the author mainly starts from the lexical and syntactic aspects. Through the analysis of these cases, the author introduces in detail the methods and strategies used in the process of translation. The fourth part is a summary of translation practice. The translation practice has been summarized in three aspects: translator literacy and translation methods. Through this translation practice, the author has greatly improved his translation skills. By writing this translation practice report, the author summarizes some translation techniques. Enhance the understanding of translation, but also more aware of the literacy required to become an interpreter.


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