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发布时间:2018-03-27 06:13

  本文选题:话语标记语 切入点:社会语言学因素 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:话语标记语是指游离于句子之外,标记前后话语单位的词。话语标记语在确保话语连贯方面起着极其重要的作用。基于BNC64语料库,本研究着力探究两类话语标记语--呈现型标记语(like,you know,,me I 和接收型标记语(oh,well,so)受5种社会语言学因素(说话人的性别,年龄,社会阶层,地域以及职业)影响而呈现的变异规律。研究问题包括:1)英语口头交际中男性和女性使用话语标记语的频数是否存在差异?如果有的话,存在何种差异?2)说话者的年龄和社会阶层分别对话语标记语的使用产生何种影响?3)英国不同地域的说话人在使用话语标记语时存在何种差异?4)英语本族语者的职业对话语标记语的使用产生何种影响?研究结果表明,本研究所探讨的5种社会语言学因素都对话语标记语的使用产生影响。1)男性和女性呈现出偏好不同话语标记语的趋势。女性说话者更倾向于使用呈现型标记语I mean以及接收型标记语oh和well,而男性说话者更倾向于使用呈现型标记语you know和like以及接收型标记语so。2)随着说话者年龄的增长,话语标记语的使用数量增大。关于年龄和性别两种社会语言学因素的交互影响,研究发现随着年龄的增长,男性使用呈现型标记语you know和接收型标记语well的数量越来越多,而女性使用呈现型标记语like和接收型标记语so的数量越来越少。3)社会阶层越高,使用话语标记语的频率越高。关于社会阶层和年龄两种社会语言学因素的交互影响,研究发现随着年龄的增长,劳动阶层的说话者更倾向于使用呈现型标记语和接收型标记语,而技术型阶层的说话者更倾向于使用接收型标记语。4)威尔士人使用的话语标记语最多,而爱尔兰人使用的话语标记语最少。5)六种职业中,退休的无业人员使用话语标记语的数量最多而家庭主妇说话者使用话语标记语的数量最少。本研究具有理论和实际意义。理论上本研究结果有利于丰富和完善话语标记语的理论体系,有助于探讨话语标记语受语外因素影响的变异规律;应用价值方面本研究能够为提高英语口语教学,进而实现更好的学术交流和文化传播提供科学的参考依据。
[Abstract]:Discourse markers are words that are separated from the sentence and mark the units of the utterance before and after. Discourse markers play an extremely important role in ensuring the coherence of the discourse. The present study explores that two types of discourse markers-presentational markers like you know me I and receptive markers-are influenced by five sociolinguistic factors (sex, age, social class of the speaker). The study includes: (1) are there any differences in the frequency of using discourse markers between men and women in oral English communication? If so, what is the difference? (2) how does the age and social class of the speaker affect the use of discourse markers? (3) what are the differences in the use of discourse markers among speakers from different parts of the UK? 4) how does the occupation of native English speakers affect the use of discourse markers? The results show that. The five sociolinguistic factors discussed in this study all have an effect on the use of discourse markers. 1) male and female have a tendency to prefer different discourse markers. Female speakers are more likely to use presentational marker I. Mean and receptive markers oh and well, while male speakers were more likely to use you know and like, as well as receptive markers so. 2) with the age of the speaker, while male speakers were more likely to use the presentational markers you know and like, as well as the receptive marker so.2. The number of discourse markers is increasing. As for the interaction between age and gender, it is found that the number of male you know and well is increasing with the increase of age. The higher the social class, the higher the frequency of using discourse markers. On the interaction of sociolinguistic factors, social class and age, there are two kinds of sociolinguistic factors: social class and age. The study found that with the increase of age, workers were more likely to use presentational markers and receptive markers. Technical class speakers were more likely to use receptive markers. 4) Welsh people used the most discourse markers, while Irish speakers used the least number of discourse markers. Retired unemployed people use the most number of discourse markers, while housewives use the least number of discourse markers. This study has theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the results of this study are conducive to enrich and improve the language. The theoretical system of linguistic markers, It is helpful to study the variation of discourse markers influenced by extralingual factors and to provide a scientific reference for improving oral English teaching and achieving better academic communication and cultural communication.


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