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发布时间:2018-03-29 18:56

  本文选题:医疗护理 切入点:信息型文本 出处:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's material living standard, people begin to pay attention to medical treatment and postoperative nursing, and the demands for nursing are becoming higher and higher. The development of nursing education and nursing mode innovation is much higher than that of other countries, and its nursing experience is worthy of our country's reference. The translation of medical nursing related texts in the United States has certain guiding significance for the development of medical care in China, and can promote the continuous progress of medical and nursing in China. This translation report first introduces the translation projects, including the source and source. Text content and type analysis, as well as the practical significance of this translation project; then from the three aspects of pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation revision, then combined with the guiding ideology of "communicative translation". How to avoid "translation cavity" in the process of translation is described from specific words and long sentences. Finally, the translator summarizes the translation practice. As a kind of informational text, medical nursing text is translated into scientific and technological style. This requires the translator to express and convey the original content and key information objectively and accurately. In this translation report, the translator adopts the communicative translation method under the guidance of Newmark's text function Theory. This paper summarizes the translation process of "the Future of Nursing: guiding change and promoting Health", and analyzes the translation process from the perspective of vocabulary and long sentences. In order to solve many difficulties in the process of translation, the translator according to the characteristics of the text. In order to avoid the "translation cavity" and to ensure the accuracy of the translation and the smooth nature of the language, the split method, the word addition method, the voice conversion method, the positive words and the inverse statement and the clever use of parentheses are used to translate the source text respectively in order to ensure the accuracy of the translation and the smooth nature of the language.


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