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发布时间:2018-03-30 12:23

  本文选题:六鼎山文化旅游区 切入点:陪同口译 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Along with the global integration, the development of domestic tourism rapidly, to Chinese of foreign tourists are more and more, to guide interpreting practitioners of the quantity and quality requirements are increasingly high. Translators can accurately guide interpreting the introduction and explanation, to the scene to solve the problem, regulate the atmosphere, communicate feelings. Guide the translation work it has a strong timeliness, so we must have enough knowledge to have excellent oral English and interpretation. The author selects the Malaysia delegation to visit six Ding Shan cultural tourism as the theme of escort interpreting interpreting practice research. In the interpreting process, the author mainly encountered two problems and proposes the corresponding solution method first, due to lack of information; visit attractions related to the Buddhist knowledge, such as Buddhist terminology and Buddhist allusions, the leakage of translation. Translation caused by leakage The main reason is the lack of short-term memory and interpreting preparation. The corresponding solution is not components to improve the interpreter of short-term memory, enhance memory training in interpreting, the interpreter's own also need to strengthen the reserve of Buddhist cultural knowledge, establish Buddhist knowledge system. Second, mistranslation; Buddhism spirits, festivals and terminology translation, analysis the main reason is the confusion the concept of Buddhist knowledge, lack of understanding deviation and cultural knowledge reserves. The corresponding solution is the use, then to guide for escort interpretation of their professional knowledge, add the appropriate interpretation, improving the quality of the translation. The author's mastery of interpreting theoretical knowledge and practical experience, to solve the problems in the process of interpreting practice, at the same time. The authors reflect on the practice of the interpretation, put forward suggestions and proposals, hoping to use for reference for MTI students and guide interpreting.



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