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发布时间:2018-03-30 13:16

  本文选题:图文隐喻 切入点:概念隐喻理论 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今社会,日新月异的科学技术使人们的交际方式发生了极大的转变,通常以语言形式出现的隐喻拓展到多模态隐喻的范围。由此,近年来图文隐喻引起了许多学者的研究兴趣。国内外有关图文隐喻的意义研究大多以认知语言学为理论基础,只能部分地阐释图文隐喻的意义。尽管有少量研究相对全面的从认知和功能的视角研究图文隐喻中图片和文字间的互动,但它们忽视了图片和文字的意义对图文隐喻构建的作用,也缺乏相对完善和系统的分析框架。综上,本研究拟通过概念整合理论将概念隐喻理论和视觉设计语法相整合,推导并构建认知功能视角下的图文隐喻分析模型,并利用该模型对TIME杂志中的图文隐喻进行个案分析,以此来检验该模型的可行性。本研究所构建的分析模型以概念整合理论为基础,尝试更清晰地展现图文隐喻意义构建的动态过程。考虑到图文隐喻作为研究对象的特点以及各理论的优势,本研究使用概念隐喻理论解释语言中存在的概念隐喻,而作为完整的交际系统,视觉符号又必须满足表征和交际的要求,因此需要利用视觉设计语法来分析图片的三大元功能。具体而言,该分析模型包括两个概念整合网络,对应两个阶段。在第一个阶段中,概念隐喻理论解释了图文隐喻中文字部分包含的概念隐喻的意义,视觉设计语法分析了图文隐喻中图片的表征意义和人际意义,并通过概念整合理论将文本的意义和图片的意义整合划一,得到图文隐喻建立的隐喻意义。此外,为了将文本和图片联系在一起,形成一个有意义的整体,需要分析整个图文隐喻的构成。因此,第二个阶段将第一阶段中图文隐喻建立的隐喻意义与组篇意义整合,得到了整个图文隐喻完整的意义。通过推导并构建认知功能视角下的分析模型,在选取了 2016年TIME杂志中不同类型的图文隐喻进行分析后,本研究得出以下结论。1)图文隐喻的意义是一个整体,单从某一个角度无法全面地解释,需要从认知和功能两个方面对图文隐喻的意义进行全面系统的分析;2)认知功能视角下的分析模型全面、系统地分析了图文隐喻的隐喻意义和组篇意义,模型中的两个整合网络突出了图文隐喻相对于纯文本隐喻所产生的新创意义,也从操作层面证实了认知理论与功能理论融合的可行性与可能性;3)通过个案分析发现,图文隐喻的不同类型决定了整合网络中的不同部分具有多变的内容,证实了认知功能视角下的分析模型对图文隐喻的意义有较好的解释力。然而需要指出的是,本研究所推导并构建的认知功能视角下的分析模型旨在分析图文隐喻的意义构建,未涉及如声音、录像等多媒体数据。另外由于所获得的资源有限,加上研究时间和研究篇幅的限制,本研究仅选取了 TIME杂志2016年的三个案列,这会影响到研究过程和结论的可靠性。最后,本研究构建的认知功能视角下的分析模型属于操作层面上的尝试,还需要理论上的研究作为指导,这样对图文隐喻,乃至多模态隐喻的研究才能更具信服力。
[Abstract]:In today's society, science and technology change rapidly has greatly changed people's way of communication, usually in the form of the metaphor language to expand the scope of multimodal metaphor. Thus, in recent years, metaphor has attracted the interest of many scholars. The significance of research at home and abroad about the graphic metaphor is mostly based on the basis of cognitive linguistics only a partial explanation of metaphor meaning. Though there are a few relatively comprehensive study from cognitive and functional perspective of the picture and text graphic metaphor interaction, but they ignore the pictures and text meaning of metaphor construction, but also the lack of relatively perfect and systematic analysis framework. In conclusion, this study intends to the conceptual metaphor theory and visual design grammar integration through conceptual integration theory, model analysis of metaphor from the perspective of cognitive function is, and the use of The case analysis on the model of metaphor in the Journal TIME, in order to test the feasibility of the model. The analysis of the model is based on the conceptual integration theory, try to more clearly demonstrate the construction process of metaphor meaning. Considering the characteristics of metaphor as the research objects and the advantages of each theory. Study on the use of conceptual metaphor theory to explain the concept of metaphor in language exists, and as a complete system of communication, visual symbols and representation and communication must meet the requirements, so the need to analyze the pictures of the three metafunctions by the visual design grammar. Specifically, the model consists of two conceptual integration network, corresponding to the two stages. In the first phase, the conceptual metaphor theory to explain some of the text metaphor conceptual metaphor contains the meaning of visual design analysis of metaphor in grammar The picture of the characterization of meaning and interpersonal meaning, and the meaning of the integration of the conceptual integration theory will draw pictures and text meaning, metaphorical meaning of metaphor are established. In addition, in order to text and pictures together to form a meaningful whole, need analysis form the whole metaphor. Therefore, in second stages the integration of a metaphor in the first stage of the metaphorical meaning and textual meaning, the whole metaphor complete meaning. Through the derivation and analysis of the construction of the model from the perspective of cognitive function, choose different types of metaphor in 2016 in the Journal TIME analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions:.1) the significance of metaphor as a whole, from a certain angle can not fully explain the need to conduct a comprehensive analysis, system of graphic metaphor from two aspects of cognitive and cognitive function; 2) From the perspective of function analysis model of comprehensive, systematic analysis of metaphor metaphors and textual meaning, two integration network model, highlighting the new meaning of metaphor to metaphor text generated from the operational level, confirmed by the cognitive theory and function theory of the feasibility and possibility of integration; 3) by the case analysis shows that different types of metaphor determines different part of the integration in the network with changeable content, confirmed the significance of analysis model of cognitive function from the perspective of metaphor has a better explanatory power. However, it is necessary to point out that analysis model in this study is from the perspective of cognitive function and construct under aims to analyze the construction of metaphor meaning, did not involve such as sound, video and other multimedia data. Also obtained due to the limited resources, and research time and space constraints, the Study only selects three cases of TIME magazine in 2016, this will affect the reliability of the research process and conclusions. Finally, from the perspective of cognitive function analysis model constructed in this study under try on the operational level, the theoretical research on the need for guidance, so the research of metaphor, and the ability of multimodal metaphors more convincing.



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