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发布时间:2018-03-31 01:21

  本文选题:听力策略训练 切入点:高中 出处:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来对学习策略的研究已经成为第二语言研究的一个新领域,听力策略作为其中之一也引起研究者的特别关注。事实上,国内外已经有很多的研究者对外语学习者使用听力理解策略的情况进行调查和研究。但是,这些研究的被试者多为大学生,关于中国高中学生的听力策略研究并不多。本文以听力策略理论为指导应用于高中听力教学,主要探讨以下问题:(1)听力学习策略培训后学生使用听力策略有什么改变?(2)听力学习策略培训能否够提高学生的听力成绩?本研究选取来自沈阳市二十八中学的89名高二学生作为研究对象。分为实验班和控制班。在为期16周的实验过程中,实验班接受听力策略的训练。控制班接受传统方式的听力教学,采取重复听力以及核对答案的方式。研究工具采取调查问卷、听力测试和访谈的方式,然后用SPSS 19软件对得出的数据进行分析。本论文的研究结果如下:听力策略培训能够促进学生听力策略的使用,在社会情感策略和元认知策略方面有显著地改变。同时在听力教学中进行听力策略的培训有助于提高学生的听力成绩。最后作者根据本论文调查分析的结果对高中英语教学提出如下启示:在高中英语听力教学中应针对一些重要的听力策略进行训练,即要按照恰当的顺序安排策略培训;为学生创设足够的机会练习关键策略;在听力练习中培养学生的自信心。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the study of learning strategies has become a new field of second language research, and listening strategies as one of them has attracted special attention of researchers. Many researchers at home and abroad have investigated and studied the use of listening comprehension strategies by foreign language learners. However, most of the subjects in these studies are college students. There are few researches on listening strategies of senior high school students in China. This paper applies listening strategy theory to high school listening teaching, mainly discusses the following question: 1) what changes have students' listening strategies changed after listening learning strategy training? Can listening strategy training improve students' listening performance? In this study, 89 sophomore students from Shenyang 28 Middle School were divided into experimental class and control class. The experimental class was trained in listening strategy. The control class received traditional listening teaching, repeated listening and checking the answers. The research tools were questionnaire, listening test and interview. The results of this paper are as follows: listening strategy training can promote the use of listening strategies. There are significant changes in social affective strategies and metacognitive strategies. At the same time, the training of listening strategies in listening teaching is helpful to improve students' listening performance. The implications of CET are as follows: some important listening strategies should be trained in senior English listening teaching. It is necessary to arrange strategy training in proper order, to create enough opportunities for students to practice key strategies, and to cultivate students' self-confidence in listening exercises.


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