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发布时间:2018-03-31 18:25

  本文选题:跨文化交际 切入点:小学英语 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English, as a world language, is one of the most widely used tools in interpersonal communication, which determines that English language has communicative functions. It also includes the long history of language development, the profound accumulation of language and culture and its connotation. Therefore, as a subject of language, the goal of English teaching is not only oriented towards the understanding of words and sentences. In order to master and apply flexibly, it is necessary to have a sense of language communication among students based on the objective orientation of the above contents. Through the research of various kinds of Chinese and foreign literature, the researchers study deeply the theories related to cross-cultural communication, so as to combine the students' actual learning situation. Then, the author discusses the basic meaning of situational teaching, its application in the classroom and its positive significance, and examines English situational teaching in primary schools from the perspective of intercultural communication. The researchers have discovered the necessity of introducing culture into English teaching, and explored the method of introducing culture into English teaching in primary schools. Based on the perspective of cross-cultural communication, the necessity of designing English situational teaching in primary schools lies in, on the one hand, the necessity of designing English situational teaching in primary schools. Intercultural communicative competence cultivation has its own demand for the implementation of English situational teaching in primary schools; on the other hand, English situational teaching in primary schools promotes the improvement of students' intercultural communicative competence. Based on the intrinsic relationship between intercultural communication and primary English situational teaching, the researcher expounds several principles that should be followed in teaching design, and summarizes the design methods. With simple and easy to understand examples, it provides a clear guidance for the teaching practice. Combined with the practical research of classroom teaching examples, this paper analyzes the design intention of each link in the specific teaching cases, and explains it accordingly. The purpose of this paper is to turn the theoretical research into practical guidance, to train students' awareness of intercultural communication more effectively in classroom situational teaching, to promote the natural occurrence of intercultural communication, and thus to improve students' intercultural communicative competence. Finally, the effectiveness of classroom teaching is improved. On the basis of the above research, the researcher also carries out further experimental research-observation and recording of the frequency of cross-cultural communication activities in the classroom and questionnaire survey of students through pre-and post-test exercises. Whether the designed and carried out teaching has really enhanced the students' interest in English learning, consolidated their English language accumulation, and improved their intercultural communicative competence. The conclusion is clearly positive. The positive significance of this exploration is confirmed by the empirical study, which provides guidance for the teaching in the future. However, it will still meet with bottlenecks and difficulties in practice, and it still needs to be explored continuously in the future.


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