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发布时间:2018-04-01 07:42

  本文选题:中国茶叶博物馆 切入点:中国茶文化 出处:《语文建设》2017年06期

[Abstract]:Zhengcha is one of the important contributions that China has made to human beings and world civilization. For thousands of years, as tea drinking habits have continued to deepen people's lives, Tea culture has gradually become the treasure of Chinese traditional culture. As the only special national museum of tea in China, the China Tea Museum located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, from the history of tea, tea extraction, tea, tea, tea, tea set, The tea culture is interpreted from six aspects, such as tea custom, and the English explanation of the exhibits plays an important role in promoting the dissemination of tea culture to the outside world.
【作者单位】: 浙江科技学院外国语学院;


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1 ;杭州行[A];茶香铺就成长路——小茶人十周年纪念册[C];2003年

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1 汪恩民;茶马古道文物“落户”中国茶叶博物馆[N];中华合作时报;2010年

2 冯宇;俄博物馆关注茶叶传入历史[N];中国社会科学报;2011年

3 中国茶叶博物馆 周岳云;中国茶博馆旅游文化资源的开发与利用[N];中国旅游报;2011年

4 本报记者 刘星;川茶营销 新锐与老成碰撞[N];四川日报;2010年

5 陈文锦;中国茶叶博物馆巡礼[N];大众科技报;2003年




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