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发布时间:2018-04-01 22:15

  本文选题:心理治疗 切入点:交际翻译 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:《在聚光灯下》一书是心理学家珍妮特·埃斯波西托(Janet E.Esposito)的心理治疗学著作。书中包含了大量演讲和表演恐惧的真实案例以及一系列行之有效的心理治疗方法。本书的翻译对于我们学习西方先进的心理研究方法和成果,普及相关心理学知识和治疗策略具有重要意义。纽马克的交际翻译和语义翻译理论作为译学界重要的翻译理论,在翻译中具有普遍的适用性。纽马克认为,翻译应当具体文本具体分析,即翻译理论和策略的选用应充分考虑文本的类型和题材。笔者经分析后认为,交际翻译可用作心理治疗学文本翻译的理论基础。本报告选用《在聚光灯下》一书中五个章节的翻译为研究对象,以纽马克的交际翻译为理论指导。该报告共分五大部分,第一部分:引言,介绍本书作者及内容。第二部分:译前准备,包括对心理学知识的积累及对翻译材料的分析。第三部分:理论基础,对交际翻译理论进行可行性分析。第四部分:案例分析,从单词、句子和语篇三个层面分析具体翻译策略的选用。第五部分:总结,总结翻译经验及重难点。以交际翻译理论为指导,本报告分析了增词法、拆句法、人称照应法等具体翻译策略的使用,旨在保证译文的忠实性和通顺性,希望能为相关研究提供一些参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:"under the spotlight" is a psychotherapeutic work by psychologist Janet Esposito E. Esposito. It contains a host of real cases of speech and acting fear and a range of effective psychotherapy methods. The translation of this book is useful for us to study the advanced psychological research methods and achievements in the West. It is of great significance to popularize the knowledge of psychology and therapeutic strategies. As an important translation theory, Newmark's communicative translation theory and semantic translation theory have universal applicability in translation. Translation should be concretely analyzed, that is, the choice of translation theories and strategies should take full account of the types and themes of the texts. Communicative translation can be used as the theoretical basis for the translation of psychotherapeutical texts. This report focuses on the translation of five chapters in the book "in the spotlight", guided by Newmark's communicative translation. The report is divided into five parts. Part I: introduction, introduction to the author and content of the book. Part two: preparation for translation, including the accumulation of psychological knowledge and analysis of translation materials. A feasibility analysis of communicative translation theory is made. Part four: case study, analysis of the choice of specific translation strategies from three levels: word, sentence and text. Part five: summary. Based on the communicative translation theory, this report analyzes the use of specific translation strategies, such as lexical addition, syntactic disassembly and personal anaphora, in order to ensure the faithfulness and smoothness of the translation. Hope to provide some reference and reference for the relevant research.


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