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发布时间:2018-04-02 07:23

  本文选题:课堂学习焦虑 切入点:英语写作 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Learning anxiety is a very important variable in affective factors and has a great influence on foreign language learning. Writing is one of the most important skills in English output, but it is also a skill that makes many teachers and students feel a lot of headaches. Researchers should pay enough attention to it. However, most of the existing studies focus on the study of English learning anxiety, such as oral English and listening. In contrast, there is a lack of research in the field of English writing. Moreover, most of the researchers focus on college students. There are relatively few studies on English writing anxiety among junior high school students. However, junior high school is the period when students begin to contact English writing. Generally speaking, there are six kinds of anxiety sources in English writing: emotional anxiety, avoidance behavior, knowledge preparation anxiety, conception anxiety and classroom anxiety. This paper mainly studies the influence of classroom anxiety on English classroom writing and the countermeasures it should take. The main research question is: 1. Is there any anxiety in junior middle school students' English classroom learning? If so, in what ways are their anxieties reflected? 2. How does English classroom anxiety affect English classroom writing? 3. What are the causes of English writing anxiety among junior high school students? How to reduce writing anxiety effectively? Using quantitative and qualitative methods, 87 junior high school students in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, were selected as the subjects of this study. The causes of anxiety in English classroom were analyzed. The present situation of classroom English writing was investigated. All the data were collected from the Writing anxiety scale, the second language classroom anxiety scale and the interviews with the students. The data were processed using the social science statistical software package SPSS17.0. The English writing anxiety level of junior high school students is higher, and most students have classroom learning anxiety and writing anxiety. In addition, most students do not match the lower English level and the higher English writing willingness. Therefore, there is high anxiety about English writing. There are also a small number of students who are overconfident and therefore have a low level of anxiety, both of which are not conducive to English classroom writing. Teachers' negative feedback and lack of writing skills. Unfamiliar topics are important factors affecting students' writing. Based on the above findings, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to reduce English writing anxiety: adopting diversified feedback and assessment. Providing a wealth of comprehensible material input and proper writing skills to develop students' self-confidence and self-esteem, These methods are helpful to reduce English classroom writing anxiety. The present study is limited to 1: 1.The sample of this study is relatively small, which is limited to the eighth grade students. However, it is not certain whether there is serious English classroom writing anxiety in other grades. 2. This study focuses on classroom anxiety as a source of anxiety, and does not pay enough attention to other sources of anxiety in English classroom writing.


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