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发布时间:2018-04-02 15:37

  本文选题:支架式教学 切入点:写作焦虑 出处:《五邑大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:焦虑作为影响外语学习的重要情感因素,一直受到众多研究者的关注。众多研究者试图找到有效的方法来降低外语学习者的焦虑。在高中英语教学实践中,高中生在写作过程中表现较高的焦虑。为了降低高中生英语写作焦虑的问题,本人基于建构主义和最近发展区理论,采用支架式教学法,开展降低高中生英语写作焦虑的研究。本研究旨在回答以下两个问题:(1)支架式教学法是否可以降低高中生英语写作焦虑水平?(2)写作焦虑对高中生英语写作水平有何影响?本研究以江门地区某学校高一年级11,12班两个自然班为研究对象,11班为实验组,12班为控制组。控制组采用传统的教学方法(成果教学法),实验组则实施支架式教学法,即搭建支架,进入情境,独立写作,合作学习,效果评价。教学实验历时20周,本研究中收集的数据包括:二语写作焦虑问卷,学生英语写作测试以及对学生的访谈。实验后利用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS 16.0)对数据进行了分析。本人通过采用独立样本分析实验前控制组与实验组二语写作焦虑问卷和英语写作成绩,分别得到p=.8680.05,p=.2100.05,说明控制组和实验组在实验前测中的写作焦虑水平和英语写作水平一致。教学实验前后配对样本对比分析发现:支架式教学法能够显著降低高中生的英语写作总体焦虑(p0.05)。笔者采用独立样本分析实验后控制组与实验组作文成绩,得到p0.05,表明两个班作文成绩存在显著差异。对实验组随机抽取的30名学生的访谈的分析结果表明被试者对支架式教学持肯定的态度。研究结果表明,支架式教学法有助于降低高中生英语写作焦虑;随着学生写作焦虑水平的降低,学生的写作水平得到提高。本研究的重要启示是高中英语教师要意识到写作焦虑对写作水平的影响,并且采取有效的教学方法降低写作焦虑,从而提高学生的英语写作水平。
[Abstract]:Anxiety, as an important affective factor affecting foreign language learning, has been concerned by many researchers.Many researchers try to find effective ways to reduce foreign language learners' anxiety.In high school English teaching practice, high school students show high anxiety in the process of writing.In order to reduce the English writing anxiety of senior high school students, based on constructivism and the theory of proximal development area, I have adopted the scaffolding teaching method to carry out a study to reduce the English writing anxiety of senior high school students.The purpose of this study is to answer the following two questions: (1) whether the scaffolding approach can reduce the level of high school students' English writing anxiety? (2) how does writing anxiety affect high school students' English writing proficiency?In this study, two natural classes in Grade 11 and 12 in a school in Jiangmen area were chosen as the experimental group and the control group as the control group.The control group adopted the traditional teaching method (result teaching method), the experimental group implemented the scaffold teaching method, that is, the scaffold, entered the situation, independent writing, cooperative learning, effect evaluation.The experiment lasted 20 weeks. The data collected in this study included: second language writing anxiety questionnaire, students' English writing test and interviews with students.After the experiment, the data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0.By using an independent sample analysis of the second language writing anxiety questionnaire and the English writing scores of the control group and the experimental group before the experiment, I got p.8680.05p.2100.05, respectively, indicating that the writing anxiety level of the control group and the experimental group is the same as that of the English writing level in the pre-experiment test.The comparative analysis of paired samples before and after the teaching experiment shows that the scaffolding teaching method can significantly reduce the overall anxiety of senior high school students in English writing.The author used independent samples to analyze the composition scores of the control group and the experimental group, and obtained p0.05, which indicated that there was a significant difference between the two classes.The results of interviews with 30 randomly selected students in the experimental group showed that the subjects had a positive attitude towards scaffolding teaching.The results show that the scaffolding approach can help to reduce high school students' English writing anxiety, and with the decrease of students' writing anxiety level, students' writing ability will be improved.The important revelation of this study is that high school English teachers should realize the influence of writing anxiety on writing proficiency and adopt effective teaching methods to reduce writing anxiety so as to improve students' English writing level.


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