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发布时间:2018-04-03 02:19

  本文选题:外语磨蚀 切入点:语言能力 出处:《中北大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:1980年美国宾夕法尼亚大学语言技能磨蚀大会的召开标志着语言磨蚀这一新兴学科的兴起。作为语言习得的逆过程,语言磨蚀表现为双语或多语使用者由于某种语言使用的减少或停止,其运用该语言的能力随着时间推移而逐渐减退。历经30多年的发展,国外语蚀研究在今天已经“进入青春期”(de Bot,2004,p.233),并取得了丰硕的成果。然而,与如火如荼的国际语言磨蚀研究相比,从整体上看,国内的研究仍处于“多转述、偏理论、少原创”的起步阶段(倪传斌,2012,p.48)。在此背景下,笔者致力于研究英语专业本科生在经过了三个月暑假后的英语磨蚀状况,旨在回答以下三个问题:(1)受试者是否出现英语磨蚀现象?不同语言能力,如词汇、语法、阅读的磨蚀情况如何?(2)在已探明影响外语磨蚀的因素中,外语接触量是如何影响语言磨蚀的?(3)磨蚀程度是否存在性别差异?性别差异对不同语言能力(词汇、语法和阅读)的磨蚀程度是否产生影响?本文以中北大学54名英语专业大三学生为研究对象,结合定量与定性两种研究方法,采用综合英语测试、问卷和访谈三种研究工具收集数据。运用Excel和SPSS17.0两种工具对所得数据进行分析。研究结果归纳如下:(1)英语专业本科生的各项英语语言能力均出现不同程度的磨蚀。在此次研究中,相比于词汇和阅读,语法更易于受到磨蚀;(2)外语接触量与受蚀程度呈负相关,即外语接触量越大,外语水平更抗磨蚀;(3)性别差异对各项能力(词汇、语法和阅读)磨蚀程度的影响均不明显。最后,基于英语专业大学生的磨蚀现状,作者提出以下几点建议:外语教学者应该运用一些有效的学习策略帮助学习者抵抗语言磨蚀,鼓励他们在正式课堂学习结束后继续学习外语;学习者也要意识到自身存在的外语磨蚀,采取各种抗磨蚀的措施,积极主动地在各种场合运用英语。
[Abstract]:Held in 1980 at University of Pennsylvania in the United States the attrition of language skills conference marked the rise of the new subject of language attrition. The inverse process of language acquisition, language attrition performance for bilingual or multilingual users as a language used to reduce or stop, the ability to use the language with the passage of time and gradually decreases. After 30 years of development. Study on foreign language attrition has "entered puberty in today" (de Bot, 2004, p.233), and achieved fruitful results. However, compared with the international research on language attrition like a raging fire, on the whole, the domestic research is still in the "report and partial theory, the initial stage less original" (Ni Chuanbin. 2012, p.48). Under this background, the author is committed to the study of English majors after the English attrition situation for three months after the summer, in order to answer the following three questions: (1) whether subjects English attrition? Different language skills, such as vocabulary, grammar, reading to attrition? (2) in the proven factors influencing foreign language attrition, foreign language exposure is how to affect the language attrition? (3) the degree of abrasion whether gender differences exist? Sex differences in different language (vocabulary, grammar whether the degree of abrasion and reading) impact? This paper takes North Central University 54 English major Junior as the research object, combining two kinds of quantitative and qualitative research method, the comprehensive English test, questionnaire and interview data of three kinds of research tools to collect and use the Excel and SPSS17.0 two tools to analyze the data. The research results are summarized are as follows: (1) the English language ability of English majors are abrasion in different degrees. In this study, compared to vocabulary and reading, grammar is more susceptible to abrasion; (2) foreign language exposure And the corrosion level had a negative correlation, the greater the amount of contact that foreign language, foreign language level and more resistant to abrasion; (3) gender differences on the ability (vocabulary, grammar and reading) affect the degree of abrasion was not obvious. Finally, the current situation of English Majors Based on attrition, put forward the following suggestions: foreign language teaching should use some effective learning strategies to help learners to resist language attrition, encourage them to continue after the end of the formal classroom learning foreign language learning; learners should be aware of its existence of foreign language attrition, take various anti abrasion measures, actively use English on various occasions.



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