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发布时间:2018-04-03 02:38

  本文选题:英汉翻译 切入点:省略 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译报告,翻译项目的原文《女学生之死》(Death of a Schoolgirl)是美国作家乔安娜·坎贝尔·斯兰(Joanna Campbell Slan)所著。这是以《简爱》一书中的人物及情节设定为基础的侦探小说。这本带有自传体色彩的侦探小说讲述了简·爱充当侦探,调查寄宿学校中一位女学生离奇死亡的事件。笔者选取了此书的前言至第五章进行英汉翻译。原文作者频繁运用省略手法,构成了该文本的重要特色。语言简洁有力,精炼传神,富有表现力。因此,恰当地处理文本中的省略现象,以忠实传达原文的含义和语言特色就成为整个英汉翻译过程的重点和难点所在。本翻译报告以文本的序言至第五章中的省略现象为研究对象,在关联理论的指导下,结合典型例句探讨了省略现象的翻译方法。通过对相关例句的分析,笔者得出如下结论:译者充当原文作者和译文读者之间的沟通桥梁,要肩负双重责任,尽可能满足双向的最佳关联。利用自身的认知语境,推导省略的信息,理解原文作者的意图。通过对省略的保留、补充和变通处理,努力创造原文和译文之间的最佳关联,力求让译文读者体会原文作者的审美感受、感悟及其语言风格,从而实现原文作者与译文读者之间的成功交际。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report. The original text of the translation project, death of a Schoolgirl, is by American writer Joana Campbell Slananna Campbell Slan.This is a detective novel based on the characters and plot settings in Jane Eyre.The autobiographical detective story tells of Jane Eyre's role as a detective investigating the bizarre death of a female student at a boarding school.The author selects the preface to the fifth chapter of the book for English-Chinese translation.The author's frequent use of ellipsis constitutes an important feature of the text.Language is simple and powerful, refined and vivid, full of expressive power.Therefore, properly handling the ellipsis in the text in order to convey the meaning and linguistic characteristics of the original text has become the focus and difficulty in the whole process of English-Chinese translation.Under the guidance of relevance theory, the translation method of ellipsis is discussed under the guidance of relevance theory.Through the analysis of the relevant examples, the author draws the following conclusion: as the bridge between the original author and the target reader, the translator should shoulder the dual responsibility and satisfy the best two-way relationship as far as possible.By using its own cognitive context, the author deduces the omitted information and understands the intention of the original author.Through the reservation, supplement and adaptation of ellipsis, the author tries to create the best relation between the original text and the translated text, in order to let the target readers understand the author's aesthetic feeling, feeling and language style.Thus, the successful communication between the original author and the target reader can be realized.


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