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发布时间:2018-04-03 07:09

  本文选题:《中国审美文化简史》 切入点:汉英翻译 出处:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the establishment of foreign dissemination of Chinese culture as a national policy, the translation of Chinese cultural texts has become more and more important, among which Chinese traditional cultural texts and contemporary scholars' research achievements on traditional culture constitute an important part.In the extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture, the most dazzling is the Chinese traditional aesthetic culture, which covers literature and religion.A brief History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture outlines the development of Chinese aesthetic culture from ancient to late Qing Dynasty and tries to tap the most valuable aesthetic cultural resources in history.The English translation of the book helps to carry forward and spread the traditional Chinese aesthetic culture.The book has not yet been published in English.Therefore, English translation of the book has some academic value and practical significance, but also original.In this thesis, the author takes "A brief History of Chinese Aesthetic Culture" in Chapter 16, "operas in Yuan Dynasty, calligraphy and Alien sentiment" as the object of Chinese-English translation.This chapter mainly introduces and comments on the aesthetic and cultural phenomena of Yuan Dynasty's opera, calligraphy and exotic sentiment.Based on the text analysis of this chapter, the translator establishes the translation principles and formulates translation strategies.Based on the translation practice of the chapter, the translator writes the practice report and explains the translation process. The appendix is the original text of the chapter and the English translation.In translation practice, how to better translate the literary and artistic content involved in this chapter constitutes a major translation difficulty.Therefore, the translator dedicated a section to report the application of translation techniques in the translation of this chapter, with a view to solving the translation difficulties.In the process of translation, the translator's guiding principle is to adhere to the original values, theoretical views and expressions of accurate English translation, to ensure that the translation has the characteristics of academic prose and to properly deal with the literary characteristics of the original text.In order to be able to transition to the Western academic, effective communication.The overall translation strategy of the translator is that the domestication translation is the main task, the foreignization translation is the secondary one, and the cultural facts are involved in the translation strategy, and the foreignization strategy is given priority on the premise of ensuring the readability of the translation.In the aspect of language operation, the translator not only adopts the translation method flexibly, but also focuses on the ten expressive techniques to better translate the culturally colorful text in the original text.As a category of translation methods, expression techniques are more suitable for Chinese-English translation.The technique of expression not only attaches importance to semantic transformation but also does not adhere to semantics but also has the nature of translation and taste as well as the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese artistic thinking.The overall goal of this translation project is to achieve English translation to the level of publication of English academic works in order to disseminate Chinese contemporary academic research and promote academic exchanges between China and foreign countries.


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