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发布时间:2018-04-05 10:56

  本文选题:英语写作 切入点:同伴反馈 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Writing is one of the four basic English language skills, which embodies English learners' ability of expression and thinking.In recent years, with the continuous development of English teaching methods at home and abroad, a series of English writing teaching methods have been gradually formed. The application of peer feedback theory in English writing teaching has received widespread attention and attention from scholars at home and abroad.It is found that most of the researches on peer feedback in the last decade are carried out in the second language (ESL) environment, but there are few related studies in China.And most of the peer feedback research subjects are college students, high school students as subjects of experimental research is relatively small.Writing has always been a weak link in high school English teaching in China, and both sides find it difficult.For a long time, written expression in English has always been a subjective test with the highest scores. In view of this, the difficulty is always difficult to grasp, and the score gap is wide.Although teaching reform has been advocated in recent years, in the teaching of English writing in senior high school, teachers pay less attention to the teaching of writing, students treat writing learning passively and passively, and the present situation of writing is not optimistic.Therefore, the search for ways to change this status quo has become the primary task of teachers.This paper attempts to use the theory of peer feedback to guide the teaching practice of English writing in senior high school. In the teaching of English writing in senior high school, we adopt the method of group peer feedback, and explore whether this method can effectively improve the teaching effect of English writing.This paper tries to summarize the teaching mode of peer feedback writing for senior high school students in teaching practice, so as to provide an effective example for senior high school writing teaching and provide some enlightenment and reference for senior high school English writing teaching.In this experiment, 138 students from two parallel classes of Senior one were selected as subjects. The number of students in the experimental class and the control class were equal to 69.The experimental class will adopt group peer feedback to teach writing, while the control class will adopt the traditional teaching method of resultant writing.The research tools of this experiment are questionnaire, interview and test.This study focuses on two questions: (1) whether group peer feedback after training can enhance students' interest in English writing? (2) whether group peer feedback after training can improve students' English writing ability?The results show that most high school students have a positive attitude towards peer feedback.The application of group peer feedback in high school English writing teaching improves students' writing interest. 2) Group peer feedback improves students' English writing ability to a certain extent.Based on the above findings, some suggestions are put forward for the future English writing teaching. Firstly, writing ability needs to be cultivated step by step, and the experimental time can better guarantee the credibility of the experimental results.Therefore, the time of the experiment should be prolonged in the future research.Secondly, the experimental subjects need to increase, and the scope of selection needs to be expanded.The participants in this experiment come from two parallel classes in the same high school, and the number of participants is relatively small, so to some extent affect the representativeness of the experimental results.Therefore, in future studies, researchers can choose different grades of students from different regions as subjects.By selecting the subjects in this way, the results of the experiment will be better.


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