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发布时间:2018-04-05 12:24

  本文选题:口译质量 切入点:背景知识 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The trend of globalization highlights the interdisciplinary and professional characteristics of interpreting, and the influence of background knowledge on the improvement of interpretation quality.At present, interpreting researchers have conducted a large number of theoretical and empirical studies on the relationship between background knowledge and interpretation quality.However, few studies have focused on whether different ways of acquiring background knowledge have an impact on the quality of interpretation.This paper takes the English majors of Jincheng University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Nanjing as the research object and explores the relationship between the acquisition of background knowledge and the quality of interpretation by means of an experimental study.The experimental steps are as follows: firstly, according to the background knowledge test and the score distribution of the interpreting course, the interference of the subjects' background knowledge familiarity and interpretation level on the interpretation quality is excluded.Forty of them were selected as subjects.Then 40 subjects were divided into two groups, 20 in each group.Group 1 (Reading Group: one hour in advance to distribute English background materials related to the interpretation test for their reading.The second group (translation group: one hour in advance of the same background knowledge of English materials for students to do translation.During the interpretation test, two articles (English-to-Chinese, C-E) on the "Power Africa Project" were selected and recorded live by two groups of students.After the experiment, the students were recorded and transcribed, and the differences in interpretation quality (fluency, language accuracy, information integrity) between the two groups were compared, and the effect of the acquisition of pre-translation background knowledge on interpretation performance was analyzed.By analyzing the fluency, language accuracy and information integrity of the two groups of students,The present study shows that: (1) there is a significant correlation between background knowledge acquisition style and interpretation quality. (2) there is a positive correlation between background knowledge acquisition style and interpreting fluency, that is, there is a significant correlation between background knowledge acquisition style and interpreting fluency, that is, compared with the students in the reading group.The students of the translation group can activate the schema in the brain more quickly by mastering the background knowledge through the translator, and their interpretation fluency is higher, the interpretation performance is better, the correlation between the way of background knowledge acquisition and the language accuracy is moderate.To some extent, background knowledge acquisition has an effect on language accuracy.Comparing the two tasks, the accuracy of Chinese-English translation will be affected by English-to-Chinese 's "levelling role". The accuracy is higher. (4) the correlation between the acquisition mode of background knowledge and the integrity of information is moderate.The translation of background knowledge is more complete and the quality of the translation is higher. There are obvious differences between the two groups, but for the paragraphs with low background knowledge intensity, the level of Chinese and English and common sense can make up for the defects caused by the lack of background knowledge.The above results show that interpreters can adopt different acquisition methods to improve their fluency, language accuracy and information integrity, and thus improve the quality of interpretation.


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