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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:18

  本文选题:翻译项目报告 切入点:《梦的解析》 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉的翻译项目报告,所节选的翻译材料来源于奥地利心理学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的著作《梦的解析》(The Interpretation Of Dreams)中第六章"梦境运作"的两个部分:"凝结作用"以及"转移作用"。这两部分主要着重介绍了梦境运作中的凝结作用和转移作用。此外,还解释了隐性梦境思想和显性梦境内容,以及它们二者间的联系与区别。众所周知,《梦的解析》是一本经典的心理学书籍,它深刻地揭示了各种各样藏匿于心理层面的奥秘。而弗洛伊德将梦境描述为"理解潜意识心理过程的捷径",在书里面,作者通过列举大量的梦境案例,从不同的角度对梦的问题进行了深入的讨论。从现实意义来看,该书里有些观点和逻辑虽然存在局限性,但其对心理学乃至文学、教育等领域都具有巨大的贡献,为梦的研究提供了更多的方向与可能。考虑到这是一本心理学著作,所以需要笔者在翻译前了解一些心理学基础知识,特别是专有词汇,这样会有助于提高翻译进程和译文水平。其次,笔者在翻译过程中发现,原文本身就很是晦涩难懂,如果想要使译文达到可以看明白的程度,就要善于运用英汉翻译中常见的一些变通手段,大胆跳出原文的语法和句法,甚至适当转换改装,将一些句子里隐含的意思译出来,在本报告中,笔者选取了部分语句作为重点分析对象,说明在泰特勒的"翻译三原则"指导下,如何采取直译、引申、省译等方法完成译文,并阐述笔者所获得的启示和教训。
[Abstract]:This is a translation project report by English-to-Chinese.The selected translation materials are derived from two parts of the sixth chapter, "the Operation of Dreams" in the Interpretation of Dreamsby Sigmund Freudd, an Austrian psychologist, in the book "the role of condensation" and "the role of transfer".These two parts focus on the condensation and transfer in the operation of dreams.In addition, it also explains the hidden dream thought and the explicit dream content, as well as their relation and difference.As we all know, the interpretation of Dreams is a classic psychology book, which deeply reveals all kinds of mysteries hidden in the psychological level.Freud describes dreams as "a shortcut to understanding the psychological process of the subconscious mind". In the book, the author discusses the problem of dreams from different angles by enumerating a large number of dream cases.In practical sense, although there are some limitations in some viewpoints and logic in the book, it has great contributions to psychology, literature, education and so on, which provides more directions and possibilities for the study of dreams.Considering this is a psychological work, it is necessary for the author to know some basic knowledge of psychology before translation, especially the special vocabulary, which will help to improve the translation process and translation level.Secondly, in the process of translation, the author finds that the original text itself is very obscure and difficult to understand. If you want the translation to reach a level that can be seen clearly, you should be good at using some common means of adaptation in English-Chinese translation.Bold to jump out of the original grammar and syntax, or even appropriate conversion to translate some of the implicit meaning in the sentence, in this report, the author selected some sentences as the focus of analysis,Under the guidance of Tytler's "three principles of Translation", this paper explains how to complete the translation by means of literal translation, extension and economization, and expounds the enlightenment and lessons gained by the author.


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