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发布时间:2018-04-07 16:01

  本文选题:自然拼读法 切入点:初中英语 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since 1978, with the rapid development of national economy, English is a very important tool to learn foreign advanced technology.According to the requirements of 2011 edition of compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard, the ninth graders should reach the level of five levels in language skills, language knowledge, affective attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness.In the part of language knowledge, learners are required to spell words and phrases according to pronunciation. In the compulsory education stage, the main goal of teaching is to enable students to overcome the obstacles of new words and read English materials at the corresponding level.Junior high school English is basically used in the classroom, the environment of using English is very lacking in our country, the time for students to learn English is also very limited, and it takes endurance to memorize words and phrases, and it takes constant repetition to remember the words.The harvest of English takes a long time to accumulate, which affects students' interest in learning English.Through the analysis of the literature at home and abroad, it is found that the International phonetic Alphabet is the main teaching method in many countries where English is used as a second language, although phonetic symbols can help English learners to know the pronunciation of English words.But it does not help learners connect the phonetic relationships of words.Natural spelling is a powerful tool to solve this phenomenon.In this paper, the study of natural spelling greatly extends the atmosphere of vocabulary teaching. The purpose of this study is to make the memory of vocabulary simple, to lighten the memory burden of students, to make students like English and to learn happily.Natural spelling can help students memorize English vocabulary by combining Chinese pinyin with its positive transfer function.The teaching mode of natural spelling method belongs to the training mode of phonetic consciousness as well as the training mode of phonetic form. The combination of the two models can greatly improve students' phonological awareness in English.The theoretical basis of natural spelling is behaviorism psychology theory, constructivism theory, language acquisition theory.One experimental class and one reference class in Grade 7 were selected to conduct a semester investigation using three tools: classroom observation record form, questionnaire, and written test questions.The results are analyzed with SPSS19 software.The following conclusions are drawn: (1) Natural spelling can promote students' spelling ability. (2) Natural spelling can improve students' vocabulary memory ability. 3) Natural spelling can stimulate students' interest in English reading.Through the study of this paper, the author thinks that natural spelling can effectively improve students' English learning ability and enhance their self-confidence in learning English.


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