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发布时间:2018-04-07 18:10

  本文选题:中国文学童话 切入点:英国文学童话 出处:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:基于韩礼德提出的语言的人际意义,Martin提出了评价系统。它从词汇层面对语言进行分析,从而揭示出其深层的人际意义,因而相比于其它理论体系,这一分析方法相对更为客观。该系统包括三个子系统,分别是态度系统、介入系统和级差系统。众多学者将评价系统运用到不同领域的语料分析中,验证了其实用性,却极少将其运用到文学童话的分析中。本文将评价系统运用到文学童话领域,对中国文学童话和英国文学童话进行了对比分析,试图通过对两国文学童话的评价词汇分析,得出评价资源在两国文学童话中的分布情况。因此本文选取了中国文学童话和英国文学童话各十篇,利用UAM Corpus Tool软件分别从态度、介入和级差角度对分布其中的评价资源进行分析,找出评价资源运用的异同。通过对比分析得出,态度资源在中国和英国文学童话中所占的比例都是最大的。两者的介入资源和级差资源都很接近,但是在英国文学童话中,级差资源的比例略高于介入资源,而在中国文学童话中,介入资源的比例略高于级差资源。两者积极词汇的使用都高于消极词汇,而显性词汇的比例都明显高于隐性词汇,且差距较大。在态度系统中,情感、判断和鉴赏资源差距并不大,中国文学童话情感资源的比例略高于英国文学童话,而判断和鉴赏资源的比例都略低于英国文学童话。在介入系统中,中国文学童话更多地使用了紧缩资源,而英国文学童话更多地使用了扩展资源。级差系统中,两者的相同之处是语势资源都多于聚焦资源,不同之处是英国文学童话语势资源更丰富,而中国文学童话聚焦资源更丰富。这次研究清晰展现了评价资源在中国文学童话和英国文学童话中的分布情况,不仅进一步证实了评价系统在不同领域语篇中的实用性,更让人们对于中国和英国文学童话有了直观上的认识,也能更加吸引人们对于评价系统和文学童话的关注。
[Abstract]:Based on the interpersonal meaning of language proposed by Halliday Martin puts forward an evaluation system.It analyzes language from the lexical level, thus revealing its deep interpersonal meaning. Therefore, compared with other theoretical systems, this analytical method is relatively more objective.The system consists of three subsystems: attitude system, intervention system and differential system.Many scholars have applied the evaluation system to the corpus analysis in different fields, which has proved its practicability, but rarely applied it to the analysis of literary fairy tales.This paper applies the evaluation system to the field of literary fairy tales, and makes a comparative analysis of the fairy tales of Chinese literature and English literature, and attempts to analyze the appraising vocabulary of the fairy tales of the two countries' literature.The distribution of evaluation resources in the fairy tales of literature of the two countries is obtained.In this paper, ten fairy tales of Chinese literature and ten fairy tales of English literature are selected, and the distribution of evaluation resources is analyzed from the angle of attitude, intervention and difference using UAM Corpus Tool software to find out the similarities and differences in the use of evaluation resources.Through comparative analysis, the proportion of attitude resources in Chinese and English literature fairy tales is the largest.Both of them are very close to each other, but in English literary fairy tales, the proportion of graded resources is slightly higher than that of intervention resources, while in Chinese literary fairy tales, the proportion of intervening resources is slightly higher than that of differential resources.The use of positive words is higher than that of negative words, while the proportion of dominant words is obviously higher than that of recessive words.In the attitude system, the difference between emotion, judgment and appreciation resources is not great. The proportion of emotional resources of Chinese literature fairy tales is slightly higher than that of English literature fairy tales, while the proportion of judgment and appreciation resources is slightly lower than that of English literature fairy tales.In the intervention system, the fairy tales of Chinese literature use more resources of austerity, while fairy tales of English literature use more resources of expansion.In the differential system, the common point is that the potential resources are more than the focus resources, the difference is that the English literature fairy tale language potential resources are more abundant, and the Chinese literature fairy tale focus resources are more abundant.This study clearly shows the distribution of evaluation resources in fairy tales of Chinese literature and English literature, and not only confirms the usefulness of the evaluation system in different fields of discourse.It also makes people have an intuitive understanding of the fairy tales of Chinese and English literature, and also attracts people's attention to the evaluation system and literary fairy tales.


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