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发布时间:2018-04-07 18:39

  本文选题:公开课 切入点:字幕翻译 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the arrival of multimedia era, the concept and practice of distance teaching have changed greatly. All kinds of teaching resources have already penetrated into people's daily life through the channels of digital television and network technology.Among them, the online open class as a flipping classroom has become a fashion, but also needs smooth subtitle translation as support.However, domestic and foreign research and practice in this field is still in its infancy, so scholars should do more research and pay more efforts.In view of the present situation, this paper, from the perspective of Skopos theory and supported by the three principles of Skopos Theory, explores the explicit embodiment of subtitle translation in the course of Justice at Harvard University.The author adopts the methods of literature research, qualitative analysis, descriptive method and case analysis. By comparing the translation characteristics of film subtitles and open subtitles, the author further analyzes how explicit plays a role in the translation of open subtitles.The purpose of this paper is to overcome language differences and professional barriers in order to expand the spread of western open classes in China.The author classifies subtitle translation into four categories: cultural explicit, semantic explicit, textual explicit and simplified explicit.Through the case study, the author points out that the above four kinds of explicit translation run through the whole process of subtitle translation in the open class, with the help of the methods of incremental translation, substitution, annotation and reconstruction, respectively.To the greatest extent, the accuracy and readability of open courses are guaranteed.Based on the analysis, this paper concludes that in the process of film, television and open course translation, blindly simplifying will inevitably lead to the lack of information, and the explicit expression method will help to improve the quality of subtitle translation under the restriction of the instantaneous subtitle.Therefore, it provides new ideas and methods for subtitle translation.


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