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发布时间:2018-04-08 12:19

  本文选题:CBA俱乐部翻译(英语) 切入点:篮球 出处:《首都体育学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to make a comprehensive investigation and analysis according to the present situation of CBA club translation (English), and to plan and design its competency structure index, and to discuss and construct its weight and distribution.In order to strengthen the construction of CBA club translation (English) team, this study adopts comprehensive research methods, such as literature, Tefer investigation, questionnaire, logic analysis, mathematical statistics, etc.The following conclusions are drawn as follows: 1. CBA club translation refers to the professional staff who are responsible for the exchange and communication between the club foreign teachers and the club training, competition and daily work.Its main responsibilities: responsible for normal training and translation and communication during competitions; responsible for the clothing, food, housing and transportation of foreign aid teachers, and help them adapt to the new living environment. 2. The ability structure indicators of CBA club translation (English) include the ability of English,Basketball special ability and social ability 3 secondary indicators.Covering: oral ability, technical term translation ability, comprehensive English application ability, cultural difference discrimination and application ability, communication and communication ability, response ability, pressure ability, basketball technical and tactical understanding ability, basketball technical practice ability,Basketball teaching and training ability these 10 three-level indicators.The second-level index of its ability structure is complementary to each other.The results of the empirical research on CBA club translation (English) are as follows: English ability, social ability, communication ability, basketball theory ability, etc.The ability to distinguish and apply cultural differences, the ability to translate technical terms, the ability to react to change, the ability to speak English, the ability to practice basketball are the important indexes.(4) CBA club translation (English) ability structure index includes basketball special ability, ability of resisting pressure, ability of basketball teaching and training, comprehensive ability of English application as general ability index.5. The present situation of CBA club translation (English) staff: the club translation is made up of men and has a certain quality education and English ability, corresponding to the second level target English ability.Social skills; three-level indicators of oral ability, comprehensive English skills, cultural differences in the application of discrimination.Lack of certain basketball practical experience and teaching and training experience, corresponding to two indicators: basketball special ability, three indicators: basketball technical and tactical theory ability, basketball technical and tactical practice ability, basketball teaching and training ability.


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