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发布时间:2018-04-09 03:26

  本文选题:熟手教师 切入点:实习教师 出处:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:纠错反馈是课堂互动不可或缺的部分,一直在二语习得研究中颇受关注,占据重要研究地位。现有研究表明,有效的纠错反馈能给学生提供更多关注中介语和目标语差距的机会,引起更多师生话轮互动,更好地促进学生中介语的发展。教师作为纠错反馈的给予者,其反馈方式能极大影响学生在课堂上的语言习得。因此本文提出两个研究问题:1)实习教师和熟手教师在纠错反馈认知上有何相同和不同之处? 2)实习教师和熟手教师给予的纠错反馈在数量和具体分布上有何相同和不同之处?根据研究问题,本文采取量化研究和质性研究结合的研究方法,选取南京某初级中学两类教师——熟手教师和实习教师各4名共8名,通过对其8节常态课(每个教师一节课)共约6小时的课堂观察,录音录像以及分析访谈和问卷调查,比较两类教师对纠错反馈认知,纠错数量,类型分布和学习者回应关系的特点。根据数据结果,访谈和问卷分析,得出如下结论:1)从认知来看,熟手教师比实习教师更加以学生为中心,并且其认知和实践表现的一致性更高;2)实习教师对特征明显的错误更敏感,更倾向于使用隐性反馈而熟手教师则更偏爱显性反馈;3)结果证明提示性语言尤其是引导是最有效的纠错反馈方式,这和其他研究得出的结论一致,而重述被认为在很多方面对学生有潜移默化的影响。根据上述发现可以得出如下启示:1)实习教师应更以学生为中心,减少对课堂的控制;2)实习教师应提高对语法错误的敏感性,对语法的作用有客观正确的认识,并向熟手教师学习如何进行语音教学。在使用重述时,熟手教师和实习教师都应对重述有更深入的了解,掌握如何给予重述反馈的技巧;3)熟手教师应参加在职培训和学习,以便学习更多的先进理论以促进专业发展,使自身教学更科学有效。
[Abstract]:Corrective feedback is an integral part of classroom interaction, has been in the two language acquisition research is popular, occupies an important position. The existing research studies show that effective corrective feedback can provide students with more attention to the differences between interlanguage and target language opportunities, attract more teachers and students turn interaction, to better promote the development of students' interlanguage. Teachers as a corrective feedback giver and its feedback to language acquisition in the classroom is greatly affected students. So this paper put forward two research questions: 1) teachers and proficient teachers in the practice of corrective feedback cognitive what similarities and differences? 2) training teachers and proficient teachers give feedback in number and specific what is the distribution of the same and different? According to the research, this paper adopts the research method of quantitative and qualitative research, select the Nanjing a junior high school two class teacher - cooked Hand teachers and student teachers in 4 a total of 8, according to the 8 normal course (each teacher a lesson) a total of about 6 hours of classroom observation, recording and analysis of interviews and questionnaire survey, the number of error correction to compare the two types of teacher corrective feedback, cognitive characteristics and learning response relationship, the types of distribution according to the results, interviews and questionnaire analysis, draw the following conclusions: 1) from a cognitive point of view, more than proficient teachers of student teachers with students as the center, and the consistency of knowledge and practice of higher performance; 2) student teachers are more sensitive to the error characteristics, tend to use implicit feedback and proficient teachers prefer explicit feedback; 3) results of the language especially guide is the most effective corrective feedback, this and other research conclusions are consistent, and the restatement is considered to have a subtle influence on the students in many aspects. According to the These findings can be drawn as follows: 1) the enlightenment practice teachers should take the student as the center, to reduce the control of the class; 2) teachers should improve the sensitivity to practice grammar mistakes, on the role of grammar is an objective understanding, and to the proficient teachers learn how to teach science. In the use of speech restatement, proficient teachers and student teachers should have a better understanding of the restatement, learn how to give feedback restatement skills; 3) proficient teachers should participate in on-the-job training and learning, in order to learn the advanced theory more to promote professional development, make their teaching more scientific and effective.



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