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发布时间:2018-04-09 09:30

  本文选题:历史资料 切入点:会议记录 出处:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Translation is not only a process of transformation at the level of language symbols, but also a process of information content transmission.According to Rice, "analyzing text types is the prerequisite for translators to choose translation strategies."Therefore, it is a prerequisite to ensure the quality of information transmission in translation by analyzing the original text before translation and determining the corresponding translation strategies to guide the translation according to the characteristics of the text.This paper takes the translation of meeting records in the project of historical materials translation of British Fook Company as an example to report on the practice of translating Chinese into English.From the point of view of text, the meeting record belongs to the information type text, and the emphasis is to convey the original text information.Many of the terms in the source are spelled using the old Pinyin-Wickers Pinyin, and many of them relate to the history of the Republic of China.Such terms are translated in a scientific and objective way to expose history.At the same time, the meeting record of the source file includes two kinds of texts: detailed record and summary record. The detailed record text is based on direct quotation, while the summary record is mainly indirect quotation. The two texts are different in sentence structure and complementary in information.Both texts are minutes of international business negotiations.However, due to factors such as the time limit of recording on the spot, there will be many spelling errors, grammatical errors, or omissions in the detailed record, and the information in the minutes of the meeting will not be complete, while in the summary record, for the meeting time,The meeting information record is perfect, but because it is summary record, the information error is inevitable.In view of the above features of the text, combined with the language environment and usage characteristics of the target readers and modern Chinese users, this paper chooses the communicative translation theory to guide the practice in translation.Under the guidance of this theory, based on a large amount of historical data and combined with the contents of two kinds of meeting minutes, this paper selects the translation techniques flexibly from different angles, so that the translation can transmit the original information completely and improve the readability of the translation at the same time.It can also preserve the objectivity and authenticity of historical information.Then it can provide reference and reference for the translation of historical materials.


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