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发布时间:2018-04-09 09:51

  本文选题:模拟同声传译 切入点:脱离源语言外壳 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Simulated simultaneous interpretation is an innovative and effective method for training simultaneous interpreters.This practice provides an effective platform for students to improve their communication skills and interpersonal communication skills.In this paper, Lang Xianping, a famous scholar and economist, is chosen as the material to simulate the same transmission practice at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.By recording the whole process of the simulated simultaneous transmission and converting it into a text record, a practice report is written to record in detail the task introduction and translation process of the simultaneous transmission simulation practice.Under the guidance of French interpretive school's theory of "leaving the shell of source language", the problems in the process of simultaneous transmission are classified and reconsidered, and the corresponding solutions are put forward.Finally, the author summarizes the inspiration gained in this practice in order to improve his own level of interpretation and improve the interpretation work in the future.The practice of simulated simultaneous interpretation reflects the importance and necessity of "getting rid of the shell of source language".In the practice of co-transmission, interpreters should strengthen their understanding of the source language, then break away from the constraints as much as possible and enhance their ability to reorganize information and express creatively.


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