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发布时间:2018-04-09 15:37

  本文选题:现在完成体之谜 切入点:概念整合 出处:《外语教学与研究》2016年02期

[Abstract]:The present theory of perfect aspect does not seem to be able to explain the riddle of the present perfect aspect of English verbs.Based on the theory of conceptual integration, this paper attempts to demonstrate that the grammatical meaning of the present perfect aspect of English verbs is the result of the integration of the perfect aspect and the present tense concept.It means that people use a bounded period of time at the end of the speech to interpret the universal meaning of the action or state expressed by a verb in a concrete argument structure as bounded, and implying that the bounded action or state is repeatable.This is the grammatical meaning of the present perfect aspect unmarked.If the action or state expressed by a verb in a concrete argument structure is continuous and unbounded, when it is now forcibly interpreted as bounded by the completion aspect, due to the homogeneity within the action or state,If the context (mainly temporal adverbial, context, etc.) is explicit, the action or state will continue to move to the right of the time axis with the speaking time, which is the grammatical meaning of the present perfect aspect.The key to solving the riddle of the present perfect aspect of the English verb lies in the fact that when the predicate verb defined by the perfect aspect is used in conjunction with the definite past time adverbial, the action or state it expresses is specific rather than generic.The present tense of an English verb requires that the bounded action or state be repeatable, and that the action or state in particular is not logically repeatable.Now the perfect aspect cannot be used with the adverbial of past time to express the definite time.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学;
【基金】:湖南省社科基金项目“英语动词时、体、情态语法范畴的语义接口研究”(11YBA214) 湖南省教育厅社科项目“认知语言学视域下的英语教学语法研究”(15C0849)的阶段性研究成果


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