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发布时间:2018-04-09 16:02

  本文选题:学术身份 切入点:英语经济类语篇 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,作者身份的构建问题已受到越来越多的学者关注。研究者们普遍认识到,学术语篇的作者不仅仅局限于客观地陈述事实及其研究发现,更重要的是会运用各种修辞策略,并以此来积极塑造其观点的可信性和权威性,进而树立学术作者的权威。纵观以往的研究,有很多是通过对比研究来探讨不同学科和不同文化对学术身份构建的影响,但是其中对经济类语篇的研究却很少。为探讨中文母语经济学者如何在经济类语篇中构建自己的学术身份,笔者从西文全文经济语料库的五本经济类期刊中收集了 100篇由中国大陆高校学者创作的经济类研究文献,并着重从以下三个方面展开研究,依次为专家的身份类型、专家身份的表达方式以及专家如何在经济语篇中实现与其他声音的互动。首先,在专家的身份类型方面,根据前人研究,笔者将专家身份类型分为六个方面,并通过UAM统计工具对语篇中出现的第一人称代词进行标注。相关数据显示,在经济类语篇中,学者更倾向使用第一人称复数形式塑造自己作为"研究者"的身份。其次,在笔者采用的三种显隐性程度不同的表达方式中,结果显示第一人称代词的使用率最高,这表明学者在经济类语篇中并不避讳表现自己的学术身份。不同的是,在发表评论或陈述研究发现时,学者更倾向于使用隐性身份表达方式以此突出自己的研究结果及研究发现的客观性。最后,为探讨经济类语篇中的声音互动机制,笔者采用MartinWhite(2005)的介入系统作为理论框架,并对语料中的不同的声音进行了标注。通过研究发现,收缩性资源的比重稍高于扩张性资源,并且在各类资源中,使用数量最多的是扩张性的"包含"资源,其次是收缩性的"反对"和"否认"资源。综上所知,在经济类语篇中,中国大陆学者能较好地平衡学术权威身份和学术成员身份二者间的关系。本文通过研究中国大陆高校学者如何在经济类语篇中从身份类型、身份表达方式以及声音互动机制三方面构建自己的学术身份,可以为初步进入学术领域的研究者提供很大帮助。因此,在学术写作中,我们应该注意综合考虑以上三方面,并通过使用多种不同的修辞策略来积极构建自己的学术身份。此外,本文还通过研究证实了学科及文化二因素确实会对学术语篇写作产生一定的影响。然而本研究还存在诸多不足之处。比如在研究过程中,笔者没有对第一人称代词we细分为inclusive we和exclusive we进行区分研究;再者没有对文献不同部分的介入资源的使用情况进行分类统计,这在一定程度上影响了研究结果的精确性等等,因此本研究尚有待进一步的改进,以帮助我们更好地研究中国大陆学者如何在经济类语篇中塑造自己的学术身份。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the construction of author identity has been paid more and more attention by scholars.Researchers generally recognize that the authors of academic discourse are not limited to objectively stating the facts and their findings. More importantly, they use various rhetorical strategies to actively shape the credibility and authority of their opinions.And then establish the authority of academic writers.Throughout the past studies, there are many comparative studies to explore the impact of different disciplines and cultures on the construction of academic identity, but there is little research on economic discourse.In order to explore how Chinese native language economists construct their academic identity in economic discourse, the author collected 100 articles of economic research literature from five economic journals in the full text economic corpus of Western language, which were created by scholars of universities and colleges in mainland China.It focuses on the following three aspects: the type of identity of the expert, the expression of the identity of the expert and how the expert interacts with other voices in economic discourse.First of all, in terms of the type of identity of experts, according to previous studies, the author divides the type of expert identity into six aspects, and uses the UAM statistical tool to annotate the first person pronouns in discourse.Relevant data show that in economic discourse, scholars tend to use the plural form of the first person to shape their identity as "researchers".Secondly, the results show that the usage of first person pronouns is the highest, which indicates that scholars are not shy to express their academic identity in economic discourse.The difference is that when commenting or presenting the findings, scholars tend to use the implicit expression of identity to highlight their findings and the objectivity of the findings.Finally, in order to explore the mechanism of sound interaction in economic discourse, the author uses Martin Whiteberg's intervention system as the theoretical framework and annotates different sounds in the corpus.It is found that the proportion of contractile resources is slightly higher than that of expansionary resources, and among all kinds of resources, the most used resources are expansionary "inclusive" resources, followed by contractionary "opposition" and "denial" resources.To sum up, in economic discourse, scholars from mainland China can balance the relationship between academic authority and academic membership.This paper studies how university scholars in mainland China construct their academic identity in economic discourse from three aspects: identity type, identity expression mode and sound interaction mechanism.It can be of great help to the researchers who enter the academic field.Therefore, in academic writing, we should pay attention to the above three aspects and actively construct our academic identity by using a variety of rhetorical strategies.In addition, the study also proves that the two factors of discipline and culture do have a certain impact on academic discourse writing.However, there are still many deficiencies in this study.For example, in the course of the study, the author has not classified the first personal pronoun we into inclusive we and exclusive we, and has not classified the use of different parts of the literature on the use of intervening resources.To some extent, this study will affect the accuracy of the research results, so this study needs further improvement in order to help us better study how Chinese mainland scholars shape their academic identity in economic discourse.


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