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发布时间:2018-04-09 21:20

  本文选题:哈尼族文化翻译 切入点:墨江 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The original text of this translation is excerpted from "the place where the Sun turns-the riddle of the River Mojiang" by Han Yue-hong.She edited the book to promote and inherit the Hani culture made important contributions, but also let more people understand the Mojiang, Hani culture, more importantly, from the cultural significance, to protect the diversity of Chinese and world cultures.In the globalization of today, cultural diversity is particularly important and precious.The chapters of this report on translation are the general introduction and the first three chapters of the book.Under the guidance of Skopos and expectation perspective, translation strategies such as domestication and alienation are applied in the process of translation.The translation report consists of two parts.The first part is the translation part of the translation practice, including the original text and the translation.The second part is the report of translation practice, including four chapters.The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of the translation project.The second chapter introduces the background of translation practice, mainly introduces the theoretical basis of translation practice, expounds and analyzes the types of subjects and language characteristics of the original text, and makes an analysis of the preparation for this translation practice.The third chapter analyzes the translation difficulties and methods, mainly analyzes the translation difficulties, as well as the translation methods used in translation difficulties, and gives an example based on the theoretical basis.The fourth chapter summarizes the translator's inspiration from the whole translation practice, the experience gained, and the problems to be discussed.


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