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发布时间:2018-04-10 04:32

  本文选题:新闻评论 切入点:态度资源 出处:《湖南科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:新闻评论,作为一种社论语篇,是媒体编辑部或作者在新闻事件的基础上对最新发生的事件和问题发议论、讲道理。它可以对读者产生一定的影响,并引导公众舆论,因此具有鲜明针对性和引导性。同时,能够帮助读者认识社会矛盾,树立正确的价值观念。随着新闻研究的不断发展,新闻评论不仅是新闻学的研究对象,也逐渐引起语言学者的关注。本论文将China Daily英文版社论为语料来源,选取2016年3月至6月30篇民生类新闻评论为研究对象。以该报刊作为语料来源,所使用的信息真实可靠,有其权威性和代表性,同时其中的社论文章在表述客观事实的同时能够凸显评论者主观的态度、立场,适宜用评价理论的角度来进行点评。本研究基于Martin的评价理论的核心内容——态度系统以及其子系统:情感系统,判断系统,鉴赏系统为视角,采用定性和定量的分析方法,以积极的态度,从表达情感态度的词汇,句子等基本语言单位入手,对于评论文本中的语言,话语意义,社会影响等进行积极话语分析。语言方面研究体现态度资源的语言特征,及其在文本中的表现方式等。话语意义方面,研究评论者使用的话语所包含的积极意义,能够达到的效果。社会影响方面,研究评论话语对构建和谐社会,建构正确的价值取向的积极影响,和其中所体现的意识形态。本研究尝试解决以下三个问题:(1)态度资源在民生类新闻评论语篇中如何体现?(2)民生类新闻评论中所体现的态度资源有何积极的话语意义?(3)所体现出的态度资源及其语用有何积极影响,反映了何种意识形态?本研究发现如下:(1)民生新闻评论者的态度主要是通过判断资源和鉴赏资源来表达。对于情感资源主要是通过间接地进行表达,而判断鉴赏资源主要采用直接的方式表达。(2)通过态度资源的使用,民生新闻评论能够表达一定的积极意义。它不仅展示了社会的积极面,也将社会中存在的一些问题和矛盾展示给读者,以此帮助读者对于社会现状和存在的问题有一个更加全面和客观的认识。(3)从积极话语分析角度来看,评论者通过态度资源努力唤起读者的问题意识,将重点聚焦在需要解决的问题方面。同时,在分析问题的基础上,评论者试图建构正确的舆论导向,反应领导阶层的意识形态,并为建设和谐社会提出具体的有意义的建议。本论文主要从积极话语分析的角度对民生新闻评论进行分析总结,是积极话语研究领域的一小步,对该领域的研究具有一定的参考意义。同时,本论文引导人们关注与我们日常生活息息相关的民生类问题,及其相关的评论,指导读者正确认识和解读社会中存在的问题,树立正确的价值观念。
[Abstract]:News commentary, as an editorial text, is a media editorial department or author on the basis of news events on the latest events and issues, reasonable.It can influence readers and guide public opinion, so it has clear pertinence and guidance.At the same time, it can help readers understand social contradictions and set up correct values.With the development of news research, news commentary is not only the research object of journalism, but also attracted the attention of linguists.In this paper, the editorial of China Daily in English is used as the data source, and 30 news reviews of people's livelihood from March to June 2016 are selected as the research object.Using this newspaper as the source of the corpus, the information used is true, reliable, authoritative and representative. At the same time, the editorial articles in the newspaper can show the subjective attitude and position of the commenters while expressing the objective facts.It is suitable to use the angle of evaluation theory to make comments.In this study, attitude system, which is the core content of evaluation theory based on Martin, and its subsystems: emotion system, judgment system, appreciation system as the visual angle, adopt qualitative and quantitative analysis method, with positive attitude.Starting with the basic linguistic units such as words and sentences which express emotional attitude, this paper makes a positive discourse analysis on the language, discourse meaning and social influence in the commentary text.The linguistic aspects reflect the linguistic characteristics of attitude resources and their ways of expression in the text.In the aspect of discourse meaning, the positive meaning contained in the discourse used by reviewers is studied.In terms of social impact, this paper studies the positive influence of comment discourse on the construction of a harmonious society and the construction of correct value orientation, as well as the ideology embodied therein.This study attempts to solve the following three questions: 1) how do attitude resources reflect the attitude resources in the discourse of news reviews on the people's livelihood? (2) what is the positive discourse significance of the attitude resources embodied in the news reviews of the people's livelihood? (3) the attitude resources embodied in the commentary on people's livelihood; andWhat is the positive impact of its pragmatics,What ideology does it reflect?This study finds that the attitude of people's livelihood news commenters is mainly expressed by judging resources and appreciating resources.Emotional resources are mainly expressed indirectly, while judging and appreciating resources are mainly expressed by direct means. (2) through the use of attitude resources, people's livelihood news reviews can express certain positive significance.It not only shows the positive side of society, but also shows the readers some problems and contradictions in the society.In order to help readers to have a more comprehensive and objective understanding of the current social situation and existing problems. (3) from the perspective of positive discourse analysis, reviewers try to arouse readers' awareness of problems through attitude resources.Focus on issues that need to be addressed.At the same time, on the basis of the analysis of the problems, the reviewers try to construct the correct public opinion orientation, reflect the ideology of the leadership, and put forward concrete and meaningful suggestions for the construction of a harmonious society.This thesis is a small step in the field of positive discourse analysis, which is of great significance to the study of people's livelihood news.At the same time, this paper guides people to pay attention to people's livelihood problems which are closely related to our daily life, and its related comments, instructs readers to correctly understand and interpret the problems existing in society, and to set up correct values.


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