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发布时间:2018-04-10 07:57

  本文选题:翻转课堂 切入点:大学英语教学改革 出处:《外语电化教学》2017年05期

[Abstract]:The reform of flipping classroom is helpful to improve the level of college English teaching in China.Turnover degree is used to evaluate the degree of connection between the traditional classroom and the flip class.The evaluation system of college English classroom turnover includes 6 quantitative evaluation dimensions and 29 quantitative indicators, 3 qualitative evaluation dimensions and 10 first-grade qualitative indicators.The evaluation index of college English classroom turnover should be determined by the independent judgment of colleges and universities, and the ways of collecting evaluation data should be expanded, and the new curriculum should be set up according to the demand of employment, and the reform of college English flipping classroom should start with the classroom with high turnover degree.Change your understanding of your English skills.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学;


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