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发布时间:2018-04-10 13:18

  本文选题:ESA教学模式 + 英语课堂焦虑 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, English classroom anxiety is prevalent among non-English majors in higher vocational colleges.An important reason for this phenomenon is that traditional English teaching emphasizes teachers' explanation and summative evaluation while neglecting students' classroom participation and formative evaluation.Therefore, in order to effectively improve the students' classroom anxiety, we must mobilize the students' enthusiasm and enthusiasm for studying. ESA teaching model provides students with opportunities for active activities through the flexible use of the three parts of input, study, and activities.The role of teachers and students has changed accordingly.In the ESA teaching mode, students should be regarded as the main body of teaching activities, all teaching activities should meet the needs of students, interest and knowledge level.The teacher is no longer the master of the teaching process, but the guide and collaborator of the student learning.In order to study the influence of ESA teaching mode on English classroom anxiety of non-English majors in higher vocational colleges, the author conducted a 16-week teaching experiment in Shandong Electronic Vocational and Technical College by combining quantitative and qualitative methods.The subjects of the experiment are two classes of 2015 grade accounting computerization.One of them was chosen as experimental class randomly, using ESA teaching mode and the other as control class, adopting the traditional teaching mode.This study focuses on the following questions: 1. Does ESA teaching model have any effect on English classroom anxiety of non-English major students in higher vocational colleges? 2.The influence of ESA teaching model on different dimensions of English classroom anxiety is different.Are there any differences in the effects of English classroom anxiety among students at the same level?In the course of the experiment, the author used Horwitz's Foreign language classroom anxiety questionnaire (FLCASX), the college English application ability test (PRETCOI), and the self-designed interview questionnaire and so on.Based on the quantitative analysis of questionnaire data and the qualitative analysis of interviews, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. ESA teaching model has a significant impact on English classroom anxiety of vocational college students.For the three dimensions of English classroom anxiety, the students' fear of communication and negative evaluation improved more significantly than that of test anxiety.Compared with the low level and high level students, the English classroom anxiety of middle level students has been more effectively alleviated.All in all, this study proves that ESA teaching model can relieve students' English classroom anxiety.Based on the above research, the author puts forward some suggestions for higher vocational English teaching, points out the limitations of this study, and puts forward some suggestions for future research.


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