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发布时间:2018-04-10 18:13

  本文选题:生死疲劳 + 文化语境 ; 参考:《湖南工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:< > fatigue of life and death is a novel China first Nobel prize winning writer Mo Yan, a famous American Sinologist professor Ge Haowen translated into English. Translators omit a lot of words in the English translation, sentences and paragraphs. However the translation in target language readers love. So in Goldblatt in translation, why do so many omitted? What types of ellipsis? These omit what is associated with the cultural context? What is the purpose of the translator is omitted? The starting point and the focus of these problems is studied in this paper. The special subject and new cultural context in the view of language as the theoretical basis, the paper on the 203 omit translation Goldblatt < > in the fatigue of life and death (including words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs) were studied. This paper adopts the method of description and analysis of ellipsis in English version are classified, and tries to on the basis of solution Objective to omit reason and translator release ellipsis. From subjective and objective perspective, ellipsis and ellipsis expressions in the English version of the field is divided into two categories. Through quantitative analysis, this paper found that ellipsis in the translation field, accounting for 86%; ellipsis type less, accounting for ellipsis 14%. language can be divided into psychological activity, speech activity, action, natural environment and things. Four types of ellipsis type can be divided into idioms, and the image of the moon doggerel three types. In the context of culture conflict and conflict between the two aspects of ellipsis field, and ellipsis type are conflict. In the field of ellipsis, conflict mainly omitted in psychological activities, the three aspects of ellipsis ellipsis and description of the natural environment of things. Omission of psychological activities is because in the text and text are cultural context conflict, mainly in the psychological process. The natural environment is omitted because of the scenery is different, mainly in the process. Things were omitted because things between the two languages and cultures in special ownership, mainly in the process. No conflict is mainly manifested in the omission of speech activities and actions. Although in the two speech activities and action a cultural context is not special but because of the discourse so leads to repetitive Up ellipsis. Ellipsis in idiom type, ellipsis, doggerel and the image of the moon for the expression of Chinese special way with unique structure and meaning, and English lacks the corresponding form as a result of omission. The study shows that the translator the ellipsis has its specific purpose. The purpose of language field ellipsis has the following three points: first, keep the original characters in the dark side; second, to keep the original in the China rural backwardness and a mess Third, the surface; in the field of discourse translation is more consistent in the field of discourse or make the translation more concise. Ellipsis style can be summarized as three points: first, to avoid redundant versions; second, less exotic versions, increase the readers of the translation acceptance; third, expand translation of the communication range. This study used the theory of cultural context and analyzes the new description of Ge Haowenying's translation of ellipsis. The study found that when the field, tenor and mode of discourse exist on either side of the conflict, it will appear omitted. When the field, tenor and mode of discourse of any conflict when the original expression generally follow. Therefore, translation of the original omission is mainly decided by the two kinds of language and culture conflict part. This research can help the translator consciously conflict between source text and target language environment and improve cross-cultural conflict, The ability to spread cultural analysis, properly handle the part of the cultural conflict, and consciously improve the foreign acceptance of the translation.



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