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发布时间:2018-04-10 19:18

  本文选题:母语迁移 + 连接手段 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Future events in narratives is the discourse framework, describes how the story gradually developed. Foreground event information must be connected by means of ensuring the continuity of action. Studies have shown that there are some problems in connection means using the two language learners, mainly manifested in the lack of Related words, excessive use of conjunctions. Therefore, the connection means attracts more and more researchers' attention. Although previous to the connection means to do some empirical research, but these studies are still inadequate. On the one hand, the research of previous research on connection methods mainly focus on Related words, and on the expression of subordinate clauses, the infinitive phrase and word segmentation research. On the other hand, synchronic study belongs to the study did not examine the changes with the two language to improve the level of migration, but most of the research on language transfer to rely on Intuition language transfer occurs or not, that this method is not precise enough. Based on this, this paper aims to explore the use of the connection methods and the use of the Cai Jinting (2015) put forward the comparative inductive method to explore the mother tongue influence duration frame connection means. This paper aims to answer the following questions: 1) Chinese statements in English College Students Outlook event writing in connection means how? 2) how to dynamically affect the use of native college students Chinese conjunctions in narrative writing? 2a) at the individual level, how to dynamically affect the use of native connection means? 2b) in the group level, how to dynamically use the connection effect of mother tongue this means? As the National Social Science Fund Project (11CYY021) part of the corpus collected by the project team members. The research object is the North China University of water conservancy and hydropower, Qufu Normal University two School 35 grade 2011 English majors. This is a diachronic study, data collection is divided into five, respectively in the first stage in the beginning of the semester, the end of the first semester, second at the end of the semester, the end of the third semester, fourth at the end of the semester. The picture composition collected 175 English narrative and the corresponding Chinese text, and extracted 1758 connection means shape symbols were analyzed. Then the data from the connection means using the wrong type, type, consistency and migration between Chinese and English were marked. This paper gets the following findings: 1) the connection means used in English narrative in the foreground part diversity. Five test, all kinds of means of use frequency are not with the improvement of English proficiency increases or decreases, but fluctuate. The correct rate of expression of Related words, the five test in the parallel relationship More than 90%, the expression of connection means of affiliation, the correct rate of more than 90% is the result of adverbial clauses, adverbial clauses of purpose and infinitive phrases. The expression change of amplitude accuracy associated with the word parallel relationship the five tests, the expression of connection means affiliation change range of correct rate is larger relative clause and object.2) on a personal level, the subjects showed significant individual variation. The occurrence of similar type of migration means. It differs from man to man. in the five test subjects the same type of migration distribution uneven. The group level, the five test positive transfer rates were 47.2%, 45%, 39.1%, 51.3% 40.5%., negative transfer, interference of migration percentage were 4.5%, 3.2%, 2.2%, 4.3%, 1.9%; the percentage of inhibition of migration were 0%, 0%, 1.5%, 3.7%, 0.5%. positive and negative transfer in the five tested had significant difference. With the test The students' English level, the percentage of positive transfer has changed significantly in the fourth test and fifth tests, there was no significant difference between the percentage of interference transfer in the five test, the percentage of inhibition of migration had significant changes only in the fifth test. The five test, the expression of Related words are parallel relationship no inhibition of migration, expression of connection means subordinate only time adverbial clause, object clause, relative clauses and participle phrases has suppressed the migration. The positive transfer of various types of links, interference of migration and migration inhibition percentage are not with the two language level increases linearly increase or decrease.



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