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发布时间:2018-04-10 19:23

  本文选题:词汇丰富性 + 词汇多样性 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:语言学习者首先要学习的就是词汇,因为无论是书面表达还是口头表达,都需要相关的词汇知识才能表达意义。国内外研究均表明,在学习第二语言的过程中,词汇能力对于二语学习者来说是较难习得的一项基本能力之一。研究发现词汇能力的的欠缺会给一些外语学习者的写作能力造成困难,而词汇也是决定写作质量的最重要因素之一。尽管国内外在词汇的发展特征方面都有大量研究,但是并没有哪项研究提出并构建了系统全面的词汇发展模型。同时,在梳理文献过程中研究者也发现,针对词汇发展的有效的历时研究并不多见。因此此研究将尝试通过一个为期四年的历时研究来探究词汇在丰富性方面的发展特征。研究问题如下:1.词汇丰富性在词汇多样性、词汇密度、词汇复杂度、以及词汇频率分布四个维度的发展特征是怎样的?2.不同语言水平的学生之间在词汇多样性的发展特征方面是否有不同?3.写作水平与词汇丰富性之间是否相关?在此研究中,本文作者选取英语专业课程改革数据库中的部分语料作为分析对象,该语料由就读于上海某高校的52名英语专业学生在四年内的四次考试中的作文构成。研究使用了包括Antword Profiler和SPSS在内的多项工具来处理和分析数据。经过深入分析数据后,所得结果如下:1.词汇丰富性的四个维度的发展特征。1)在词汇多样性方面,英语专业学生在四年学习期间取得了很大进步,其中第一年到第二年期间的增长在数据上达到显著。但在随后的两年中,词汇多样性的发展表现出了 "词汇高原"现象。2)词汇密度在四年学习期间也取得了进步,但在第一年到第二年期间有些许退步。从第二年开始,词汇密度逐年提高,但是相邻两年内增长在数据上并不显著,第一年到第四年的总体增长在数据上是显著的。3)词汇复杂度在四年里以不同的速度逐年提高。在第一年到第二年和第三年到第四年两个区间内,学生的词汇复杂度都有显著的提高,而在第二年到第三年期间,词汇复杂度的发展进入了停滞期。但停滞期只短暂的持续了一年,随后词汇复杂度又得到了显著发展。4)在词汇频率分布方面,尽管在四年里高频率词汇的使用显著下降,英语专业学生仍有滥用高频率词汇的现象,而在相对"第一个常用1000词词汇表"频率更低的"第二个常用1000词"上,学生的使用率在四年间有显著增长。因此结合词汇复杂度的结论来看,随着英语学习时间的增加,英语专业学生更倾向于多用低频率词汇。2.不同语言水平的学习者之间在词汇丰富性发展特征上的相似之处和不同之处。1)低水平学习者的词汇丰富性水平在除了词汇密度以外的其他各维度上都低与中间水平和高水平学习者,且他们的差距在数据上有显著性。2)虽然高水平学习者和中间水平学习者的词汇丰富性水平之间不存在显著性差异,但是后者相比前者在四年间的发展的速度更慢且具有更大的波动性。3.写作水平与词汇丰富性之间的相关性。1)写作水平和词汇丰富性各维度之间的相关不尽相同。2)写作水平与词汇多样性、词汇复杂度、以及前2000常用高频词的占比都有显著的相关性。3)写作水平与词汇密度没有显著的相关性。
[Abstract]:Language learners should learn is vocabulary, because whether it is written or verbal expression, are relevant to the needs of vocabulary to express meaning. Both domestic and foreign research shows that in the process of learning a second language, vocabulary is one of the basic ability to acquire better for two language learners who study found. The lack of vocabulary ability will cause difficulties in some foreign language learners' writing competence, vocabulary is one of the most important factors deciding the quality of writing. Although the development characteristics at home and abroad have a lot of words, but no study proposes and constructs a vocabulary development model system comprehensively. At the same time, the research on combing the researchers also found that in the process, according to the diachronic study of effective vocabulary development is rare. Therefore this research will attempt by a four year longitudinal study to explore In terms of the characteristics of rich vocabulary development. The research questions are as follows: 1. lexical richness in lexical variation, lexical density, lexical complexity, and the characteristics of the development of lexical frequency distribution in four dimensions is? Between 2. different language proficiency levels and whether students in the development of lexical diversity has different characteristics of 3.? The level of writing and vocabulary is the correlation between? In this study, the author of this paper selects part of the curriculum reform of English Majors in the corpus database as the analysis object, by studying the corpus of 52 English in the University of Shanghai students' professional examinations for the four time in four years in the compositions. Research using a number of tools including Antword Profiler and SPSS, the data processing and analysis. After analyzing the data, the results are as follows: 1. the four dimensions of vocabulary development characteristics of diversity in the word.1) exchange English majors, has made great progress during the four years of study, during the first second years of growth significantly in the data. But in the following two years, the development of lexical diversity showed "vocabulary plateau" phenomenon.2) lexical density in four years has made progress during learning but, in the first year to second years. Some decline from the second year, the lexical density increased year by year, but the growth is not significant between two years in the data, the first year to fourth years of overall growth in the data is significant.3) lexical complexity in four years at different speeds increase year by year in the first year to second and third to fourth years of the two interval, the students' vocabulary complexity are improved significantly, and in the second years to third years, the development of lexical complexity has entered a period of stagnation. But only a short period of stagnation For a year, then lexical complexity has been a significant development in terms of the frequency distribution of.4), although in the four years the use of high frequency words decreased significantly, English majors still have high frequency vocabulary abuse phenomenon, and in the relative "the first 1000 words commonly used vocabulary" lower frequency "second a commonly used 1000 words", the students use rate increased significantly in four years. So the combination of lexical complexity conclusion, with the increase of English learning time, English majors tend to use more similarities and differences in lexical richness.1 development characteristics between the low-frequency words.2. different language level learners) low level learners' vocabulary richness level in addition to other dimensions of lexical density is low and middle level and high level learners, and the gap between them was significant in.2 data) Although a high level of learning, there are no significant differences between them and the intermediate level learners' lexical richness level, but compared with the former four years in the development of more slowly and with greater volatility.3. writing level and rich vocabulary.1 correlations between) between the writing and lexical richness of each dimension related is not the same as the.2) writing level and lexical variation, lexical complexity, as well as the top 2000 common high-frequency words are accounted for.3 had a significant correlation) no significant correlation between the level of writing and lexical density.



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