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发布时间:2018-04-11 03:02

  本文选题:频次效应 + 输入模式 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Frequency is a hot topic in the field of second language acquisition, and its important role in language acquisition has been generally recognized.Some scholars have pointed out that frequency plays a decisive role in language learning.However, this decisive role has been questioned by some scholars that the role of frequency is limited to some language skills.Therefore, the role of frequency in the field of second language acquisition is controversial.Therefore, based on input hypothesis, output hypothesis and information processing theory, this study aims to describe the information similarity of oral output of English majors under different input modes of ideal frequency, with a focus on reading.Under the mode of video and audio input, the relationship between the frequency of receiving input and the similarity of oral output information, as well as the differences between the similarity of oral and output information in different input modes are discussed.This paper mainly discusses the following question: under three different input modes of reading, audiovisual and audio, what is the most ideal frequency for information similarity of oral output?) in three different input modes of reading, audiovisual and audio,What is the most favorable input mode for improving the similarity of oral output information, and is there any difference in the frequency of different input modes?In addition, what kind of teaching model is suitable for classes with different proportion of students with excellent students / poor students?Based on the above research questions, 54 junior English majors from Yangzhou University were selected to participate in the experiment, and they were divided into two groups according to their CET-4 scores: high score group: professional grade 4 score greater than or equal to 80 points.Low score: professional level 4 score less than 65 points.In addition, an improved TF-IDF algorithm based on WordNet is proposed, and the algorithm is coded into software to analyze and process the experimental data.The experimental results are as follows: first, the optimal frequency of the information similarity of oral output in three different input modes of reading, audio and audiovisual is 8 times 10 times and 8 times respectively.Secondly, in the three different input modes of reading, audio and audiovisual, the comparison of the comprehensive similarity value and the best frequency shows that the reading input mode is the most helpful to improve the similarity of oral output information, the second is audio-visual mode, and the last is audio mode.Third, synthesizing the input effect and efficiency, for eugenic / inferior students, the best input mode is reading, while the most inappropriate mode is audio, the best input mode is audio, and the most inappropriate mode is video.Eugenic / inferior 5 / 5, the best input mode is reading, the most inappropriate mode is audio.Therefore, listening input mode is the best choice for students with high English proficiency, while video input mode is the worst.For students with medium or lower English proficiency, reading input mode is preferred, while audio input mode should be reduced.In the process of foreign language teaching, teachers should choose the best teaching mode according to the students' existing language level to help students learn foreign language efficiently.Although reading is the most common and main teaching input mode used by teachers at present, the teaching mode chosen by teachers should be different in order to ensure the teaching efficiency and learning effect for the different proportion of excellent students / poor students in each class.Only when teachers are able to teach according to their aptitude can they guarantee their own teaching level and improve students' language ability.


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