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发布时间:2018-04-11 17:49

  本文选题:化妆品说明书 + 顺应论 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of international economic cooperation and cultural exchange, foreign cosmetics poured into the Chinese market.In addition to its own quality, brand and product promotion, the description of cosmetics is an important way for consumers to understand products and have an important impact on consumers' purchase psychology.As a cross-cultural communicative activity, the translation of cosmetics instructions into Chinese requires corresponding adaptation strategies to achieve communicative purposes.Proper translation of cosmetic instructions can accurately convey commodity information and stimulate consumption to a certain extent through language, cultural and psychological adaptation.This paper is based on the theory of Vicorne's adaptation and explores the differences between English and Chinese in the aspects of language and language, as well as the cultural and psychological differences between English and Chinese in the external aspect. Finally, it combines the functions and characteristics of the cosmetic manual.This paper discusses the principles and strategies to be followed in the translation of cosmetics instructions into Chinese.This article mainly through the qualitative research method, unifies the massive cosmetics instruction book Chinese translation example analysis to expand the elaboration.First of all, the Chinese translation of cosmetics instructions should follow language adaptation.The Chinese language is rich in vocabulary and prefers four-character structure, while the English language is more concise.Four-character words can be added to Chinese translation in order to conform to the habit of Chinese expression.Secondly, Chinese translation of cosmetic instructions should follow cultural adaptation.The cultural differences between China and the West are mainly reflected in the definition of infringement and preference for natural materials.Specifically, because of the influence of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese people advocate natural materials more.In addition, due to the differences in the definition of tort between China and the West, the English cosmetic manual often indicates some "common sense" in order to avoid tort liability.In order to conform to Chinese culture, cultural evading and cultural pandering can be adopted in Chinese translation.Finally, the Chinese translation of cosmetic instructions should follow psychological adaptation.In the translation of cosmetics, attention should be paid to the transfer of aesthetic function, the use of aesthetic words.In addition, Chinese people pay more attention to skin whitening than Europeans and Americans. Therefore, in translating the function of products, we can emphasize whitening effect repeatedly to cater to the psychology of the audience.In view of this, adaptation theory provides an effective and feasible theoretical framework for the translation of cosmetics instructions into Chinese, and can inspire translators to adopt corresponding translation principles and strategies according to linguistic, cultural and psychological differences.Translate high quality cosmetic instructions.


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