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发布时间:2018-04-12 06:39

  本文选题:言据性 + 英汉学术书评 ; 参考:《山西大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This thesis makes a contrastive study of the textual nature of English and Chinese academic book reviews. The author aims to explore the similarities and differences between English and Chinese book review discourses.In recent years, the phenomenon of verbal representation has become a hot research topic.Although many scholars have made a great deal of achievements in the research from different angles, many researches on verbal evidences are not perfect.The previous studies on textual nature have shown the following characteristics: first of all, in the early study of verbal positivity, many scholars have devoted themselves to the grammatical description of primordial elements in some highly tortuous languages.However, these studies have neglected the form and context of language. Secondly, scholars have shifted their focus to the lexical and syntactic level, and in recent years, they have focused more on the study of verbality in academic discourse.However, the study of textual evidence in the genre structure of book review is still not paid enough attention. Thirdly, the literature review of the textual research in academic book review shows that there are few cross-linguistic contrastive studies on textual criticism.There is less research on the textual nature of academic book review.In view of the characteristics and shortcomings of the previous studies mentioned above, this thesis will make a comparative study of the evidential nature of book reviews in English and Chinese linguistics based on the corpus.Based on the statistical results of the corpus, this paper describes the similarities and differences between English and Chinese book reviews, and discusses the factors that may influence the selection of evidential elements.This paper mainly includes the following parts.First of all, in this paper, we regard verbal evidence as a semantic category, and realize it by different evidences.Based on the genre characteristics of book reviews and the classification of evidential elements by other scholars, this thesis presents the categorization of textual and lexical grammatical implementation of each element.From the corpus, we can find that there are many kinds of lexical and grammatical realization forms in English and Chinese book reviews.Secondly, the statistical results show that there are a lot of evidences in both English book review and Chinese book review.The frequency of evidence in English book review is obviously higher than that in Chinese book review.This shows that English book reviewers pay more attention to the choice of evidence than Chinese book reviewers.Through a comparative study, we find that the forms of materialization in English book reviews are much richer than those in Chinese, and the frequency of paraphrase elements and inferential evidences in English and Chinese book reviews is higher than that in sensory elements and belief evidences, and the highest frequency is in the paraphrase elements.Thirdly, one of its functions is to indicate the source of information. The present study also explores the sources of information in English and Chinese academic book reviews.The statistical results show that both English and Chinese book reviewers tend to point out the specific sources of information.Among self-reporting elements and others' reporting evidences, the proportion of others' reporting evidences is the largest.This paper is of great significance to the study of textual evidence in academic book reviews.This study provides the categorization of evidentiality and the lexical grammatical realization of morpheme in academic book reviews, which helps to enhance other researchers' understanding of positivity.This paper also enriches the study of textual evidence in academic discourse.The similarities between Chinese and English book reviews indicate the universality of the linguistic phenomenon, and the differences indicate that different cultural backgrounds and writing habits may affect the author's choice of evidentiary elements.


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