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发布时间:2018-04-12 10:04

  本文选题:互文性 + 暗引 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Reading is an extremely complicated process of information processing.Reading comprehension is very important in English learning, especially for English majors.We sometimes find it difficult to understand an article. Most people think that this is due to the incomprehensible language knowledge in the article. In fact, the difficulty in understanding the information implied in the article may also be an important reason.These intricate implicit meanings, that is, the phenomenon of implicit quotation, are not only an important means to realize intertextuality, but also can be explained from the angle of intertextuality.From the perspective of intertextuality, the author will explore the English majors' understanding of the implicit reading phenomenon.Specifically, the author will try to answer the following three questions: (1) from the perspective of intertextuality, how well do English majors understand the implicit phenomenon in English materials?(2) for English majors, which types of implicit phenomena are more difficult to understand?(3) from the perspective of intertextuality, which problems hinder the English majors' understanding of the phenomenon of implicit introduction?The subjects of this study are junior English majors in a normal university, which can represent the general level of English majors.Research tools are mainly for testing and student interviews.The author specially designed some questions for five articles in this test. After the test, the author analyzed the students' answers quantitatively and qualitatively.Through tests and subsequent interviews, the author finds that students have some difficulty in understanding the implicit phenomenon in reading from an intertextuality point of view.They can easily ignore a lot of hidden details because they know very little about concepts, facts, or events that authors take for granted.As a result, they are often confused by these occult phenomena.As a matter of fact, for foreign language readers, this is not only a question of discovering or determining the object of the implicit quotation, but also the question of predicting what the author of the native language tends to use in his writing.The students' neglect of the implicit phenomenon means that many of the hidden phenomena in the article are undetected, which inevitably hinders their full understanding of the article.Through the research, the aim of this paper is to give English majors better understanding and effective reading advice.Based on the analysis, this paper sums up four kinds of occurrences from the perspective of intertextuality which may hinder students' understanding.(1) implied reference to the cultural or other background knowledge that the author considers to be known to the reader. (2) it implies the characteristics of a particular genre (intertextuality can help the reader identify this genre and then lock in the correct information (3))Refers to the context of the article,It includes the characters, places and plots. (in addition, there are allusions to the facts, characters, events and so on that the reader can infer from common sense.Finally, through the study of this paper to get some enlightenment.For students, they have to learn to relate what they have learned in reading, between the article they read and the cultural knowledge they have accumulated, between the article and its genre, between the article and its context or context.And the article and its inference between the establishment of intertextuality to understand the phenomenon.As far as language teachers are concerned, if necessary, teachers should give students classroom guidance to help them accumulate rich cultural and background knowledge in their studies.Secondly, students should be encouraged to transfer their knowledge about the characteristics of specific genres.Thirdly, it is necessary to guide students to have a general understanding of the context and background of the article so as to better grasp the full text, and encourage students to explore the inferential significance of the article in order to establish an intertextuality conducive to the recognition of the hidden phenomenon.


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