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发布时间:2018-04-12 15:09

  本文选题:综合性的词汇教学法 + 信息深加工理论 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:词汇是语言的基本组成部分,因此词汇教学在英语教学中占据非常重要的地位。近年来,词汇教学备受关注。许多词汇教学方法相继涌现,其中两个典型的方法非常受欢迎并被广泛研究,即隐性词汇教学法与显性词汇教学法。Sokman(2002)支持显性教学法,他认为词汇应该被给予直接的关注,首先脱离语境进行讲解,再从不同方面详细解释词汇知识。然而Nagy(2002)支持隐性教学法,他认为词汇应该通过让学生完成一些学习活动,无意识地被教授。可见,两种词汇教学法各有优势与不足。本研究提出的假设是将隐性与显性词汇教学法相结合更有利于学习者词汇学习的提高。有些学者已经做了进一步的研究证明了这个假设(Nation,2003;Schmitt,2008)。目前,国内外学者对显性与隐性教学法做了大量研究并且取得了瞩目成就,但大多数研究均以大学生为研究对象,而对初高中词汇教学的研究甚少。此外,初中的词汇教学现状大体上不尽如人意。因此初中英语词汇教学方法应备受关注。本研究基于信息深加工理论,借助隐性与显性相结合的词汇教学法,以初中生为研究对象,试图通过实证研究探索较为高效与可行的教学模式。信息深加工理论认为学习者可以从不同程度编码信息,并引出不同程度的记忆轨迹,即信息加工程度越深,记忆保持越持久。该研究将提出该模式的具体方法,展现课堂教学步骤,进行实证研究,证明综合的词汇教学法无论记忆保持时间长短都比显性的教学方法更有效。为了证明综合词汇教学法是否有效,该研究选择初中的两个班级作为研究对象进行实验。一个班级被设定为实验班接受综合词汇教学法的训练,另一个班级为控制班接受传统教学法即显性词汇教学法。经过三个月的训练,两个班级均完成了后测以便发现两种教学方法的不同效果。本文使用SPSS中的配对样本及独立样本t检验分析学生的测试成绩。统计结果及定量分析如下:a.在即时后测中,实验班取得的分数高于控制班,这表明综合词汇教学法在促进学生词汇学习上比显性方法更有效。b.在延时后测中,实验班也比控制班取得更高的分数,这表明综合词汇教学法比显性教学法更有利于维持词汇的记忆。c.在即时后测与延时后测中,实验班在接受与产出词汇测试中比控制班均表现优秀。对于接受性与产出性词汇知识的学习,综合的教学方法更有效。通过实验研究与讨论,该研究认为教师在词汇教学中应该采用综合词汇教学法,包括大量接触词汇,将未知词汇与已知词汇相结合,从不同方面解释词汇知识,提供更多的练习机会等等。综合性的词汇教学法不仅可以激发学习者的情感,兴趣,感受与经历,还可以再激发他们大脑中的词汇知识,并将新词汇与已学词汇相结合。在整个认知过程中,学习者通过不断检索与记忆,将新词汇内化为他们已有的认知框架,并将已知的词汇知识加以巩固。此外,综合性的词汇教学法证明经过深加工使词汇变得更有意义,并且在学习者的头脑中可以长期存储,这与Craik and Lockhart(1972)的观点相一致。总之,综合性的词汇教学法激发学习者投入认知与情感,促进词汇学习。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary is the basic component of language, so vocabulary teaching occupies a very important position in English teaching. In recent years, vocabulary teaching has attracted much attention. Many vocabulary teaching methods have emerged, among which two typical methods are very popular and has been widely studied, namely the implicit vocabulary teaching and explicit vocabulary teaching method (2002.Sokman) support explicit teaching, he believes that vocabulary should be given immediate attention, first out of context to explain, from the different aspects of a detailed explanation of vocabulary knowledge. However, Nagy (2002) to support the recessive teaching method, he thought the words should be by allowing students to complete some learning activities, unconsciously by the professor. Visible, two words teaching methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In this paper it is assumed that the implicit and explicit vocabulary teaching method is more conducive to the learners to improve their vocabulary learning. Some scholars have done. Further studies show that this hypothesis (Nation, 2003; Schmitt, 2008). At present, domestic and foreign scholars on the explicit and implicit teaching method has done a lot of research and made great achievements, but most of them are college students as the research object, and Study on the junior high school and senior high school vocabulary teaching is very little. In addition, the status of vocabulary teaching junior high school generally not satisfactory. Therefore the junior middle school English vocabulary teaching methods should be concerned. This study is based on the information processing theory, by means of the combination of implicit and explicit vocabulary teaching, junior high school students as the research object, through the empirical research to more efficient and feasible teaching model. Deep processing of information theory is that learners from the different degree of encoding information, and leads to the memory traces in different degree, the degree of information processing more deeply, more memory lasting. The study will put forward specific methods of the model, show The classroom teaching procedure, empirical research proves that vocabulary teaching method integrated either memory retention time are more effective than explicit teaching method. In order to prove the validity of the comprehensive vocabulary teaching method, the study selected two classes of junior high school as the research object of the experiment. One class was set as the experimental class received comprehensive vocabulary teaching method the training of another class as the control class received the traditional teaching method that explicit vocabulary teaching method. After three months of training, the two classes were completed after the test in order to find the different effects of two kinds of teaching methods. This paper use the paired sample SPSS and independent samples t test analysis of student test scores. The results are as follows: statistical and quantitative A. in the immediate post test, the experimental class scores higher than that of the control class, which indicates that the integrated vocabulary teaching method in promoting students' vocabulary learning than explicit methods .b. is effective in the delayed post test, the experimental class also achieved higher scores than the control class, which indicates that the integrated vocabulary teaching is the dominant teaching method is more conducive to maintaining the vocabulary of memory.C. in the immediate post test and delayed post test, the experimental class in accepting and productive vocabulary tests than the control class for outstanding performance. With the knowledge of productive vocabulary learning, comprehensive teaching method is more effective. Through the research and discussion of the experimental, this study suggests that the teachers should adopt comprehensive vocabulary teaching methods in vocabulary teaching, including a large number of contact vocabulary, vocabulary and vocabulary will be the unknown known combination of interpretation from different aspects of vocabulary knowledge, provide more opportunities for exercise etc. comprehensive vocabulary teaching method can not only stimulate learners' interest, emotion, feeling and experience, can also stimulate the vocabulary knowledge of their brains, and will have to learn new vocabulary and vocabulary. . in the cognitive process, learners through continuous search and memory, the new vocabulary for their existing internalized cognitive framework, and vocabulary knowledge known to be consolidated. In addition, that comprehensive vocabulary teaching methods through the deep processing of the vocabulary becomes more meaningful, and can be long-term storage in the learner's mind with this, Craik and Lockhart (1972) consistent point of view. In short, comprehensive vocabulary teaching method can arouse learners into cognition and emotion, facilitate vocabulary learning.



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