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发布时间:2018-04-12 16:12

  本文选题:克拉申输入假说 + 初中英语听力教学 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Krashen's input hypothesis is a widely used second language acquisition theory in English teaching. In the process of listening teaching, college teachers use it more frequently. This study applies this theory to junior high school listening teaching, which will help to reduce burden and improve efficiency.Improve the efficiency of English listening class.This paper discusses the understanding and different viewpoints of different scholars on the Krashen input hypothesis, combs the common methods and corresponding strategies of listening teaching, and attempts to combine the theory of Krashen with the listening teaching methods.Find out the most suitable listening teaching methods and strategies for junior middle school students.The author chooses two classes in his middle school to carry on the experiment, among which the experimental class adopts the junior middle school English listening teaching scheme based on the Krashen input hypothesis, while the control class still adopts the traditional listening teaching method.This study raises four research questions: 1.What kind of listening method will junior high school students adopt?What aspects of junior high school students' hearing impairment will be manifested?The scheme of junior high school English listening teaching based on Krashen's input hypothesis can improve the listening scores of the students in the experimental class.Based on Krashen's input hypothesis, the listening teaching scheme of junior high school students can improve the listening scores of boys, girls, top students and underachievers in the experimental class.In this study, two different methods, questionnaire survey and test method, were used to study all the subjects.The results of questionnaire survey and data collection before and after the experiment were used to analyze whether the scores of the experimental class and the control class were significantly different before and after the experiment.The present study finds that junior high school students have a positive attitude towards English listening and can take the initiative in listening teaching. However, students have some problems in understanding the details and keywords in listening, and students have a high interest in English listening.They have confidence in the speed of speech, pronunciation, word discrimination and concentration, but they have some difficulties in listening comprehension of long sentences and paragraphs.The English listening teaching scheme based on Krashen's input hypothesis can improve the students' listening performance. After the experiment, the experimental class has made obvious progress, but the control class has basically remained at the original level, no progress has been made.In addition to the top students, the post-test results of both the male and female groups and those of the underachievers have improved significantly, so,The improvement of listening test results in the experimental class shows that listening teaching based on Krashen's input theory plays a certain role in improving students' listening ability.Therefore, it is more effective to use a new listening teaching method based on Krashen's input hypothesis than the traditional teaching method. In the process of teaching, this novel listening teaching method is helpful to improve the teaching effect of English classroom.


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