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发布时间:2018-04-14 10:23

  本文选题:翻译伦理 + 安德鲁·切斯特曼五大翻译伦理模式 ; 参考:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Following the Cultural turn, ethical issues have become another upsurge in translation studies.Translation ethics discusses the normative issues of translation behavior, involving the translation participants and related two languages, as well as the relationship between the two cultures, which has important guiding significance for all kinds of translation practices.However, domestic studies on translation ethics mainly focus on the translation of literary texts, less on the translation of other types of texts. The English version of "Xi Jinping on governing the country" is a successful practice in the translation of political literature.The study of the ethical ideas embodied in the translation of this kind of text has certain reference value.Therefore, this paper attempts to study the translation of the book from the perspective of translation ethics.This thesis takes Andrew Chesterman's five major translation ethics models (reproduction ethics, service ethics, communication ethics, norm-based ethics, commitment ethics) as the framework, and uses Chinese political terminology.This paper studies the English translation of Xi Jinping's talk about governing the country and politics.The three questions to be explored in this thesis are: (1) what ethical ideas are embodied in the formulation of the principles of pre-translation translation of the book? (2) political terms.What ethical thoughts have been embodied in the translation of ancient poetry and prose quotations and idioms?) has the various ethical thoughts been coordinated in translation?After analysis, this thesis draws the following conclusion: (1) the formulation of pre-translation principles embodies service ethics and norm-based ethics.For the purpose of translation, the requirements of the publishing institutions and the expectations of the readers, the translator should faithfully restore the original content and ensure the readability of the translation.This general principle can also be applied to the translation of political terms in this book, the translation of ancient poems and quotations and the translation of colloquial says.The ethics of communication and the ethics based on norms are all embodied in the concrete translation of the above three aspects.Deep meaning is the first aspect that can be reproduced.On this basis, the original form and literal meaning are also reproduced to a certain extent.When the form of the original text may affect the reader's understanding, the translator often chooses to give up the form of expressing meaning, or explain it on the basis of reproducing the form, in order to achieve the effect of cross-cultural communication.In some cases, the translator also adjusts the source text to conform to certain linguistic norms and cultural expectations.This also reflects the translator's pursuit of commitment ethics.


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