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发布时间:2018-04-14 23:12

  本文选题:批判性阅读教学 + 批判性阅读能力阅读 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the educational reform has promoted the innovation and development of English teaching.According to the communicative needs and cognitive development of senior high school students, high school English teaching should pay attention to the cultivation of students' critical thinking ability.In the information society, with the popularization and development of the network, people need to judge and deal with a lot of knowledge and information.Therefore, it is necessary for English teachers to cultivate their students' critical thinking ability according to the English curriculum standards of senior high school and the requirements of the development of the times.Reading is an important way to acquire knowledge from the outside world. Reading ability is a very important skill in English learning, but the present situation of reading in senior high school is not satisfactory.Teachers pay too much attention to the analysis of words, phrases, sentences and grammar in the process of reading teaching, and lack of guidance to students to question and evaluate the text and the author, which leads to students' negative and bored mood towards passive English reading.Therefore, the emphasis of reading teaching should gradually change from focusing on vocabulary and grammar to cultivating students' critical reading ability.In order to solve this problem in English reading teaching, this study attempts to improve the present situation of reading teaching by implementing critical reading teaching in senior high school English classes.Based on the theories of constructivism and critical discourse analysis, this study adopts the empirical research method and takes two key classes in Xi'an Senior High School as the experimental objects, and makes use of the questionnaire.The method of reading test paper examines whether critical reading teaching can improve high school students' critical reading ability and awareness of using critical reading strategies.The experimental results show that: 1) critical reading teaching can improve students' critical reading ability 2) critical reading teaching can improve students' awareness of using critical reading strategies.To sum up, the author thinks that it is of positive significance to carry out critical reading teaching in high school English teaching, and at the same time, it lays a good foundation for them to engage in creative study and work in university and society in the future.This also responds to the call of "from teacher-centered to student-centered" in the current educational reform.


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