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发布时间:2018-04-14 23:36

  本文选题:元杂剧 + 多模态话语分析 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当下的多媒体技术和计算机技术飞速发展的时代,多模态话语分析越来越吸引学者们的关注。多模态话语分析理论是集多种模态结合的一种探讨模式,目前对其研究主要停留在理论阐释方面,鲜有涉及戏剧方面。元曲作为一门综合性的艺术,是中国传统文化的典范。其集音乐、舞蹈、妆容、表演等要素,具有多种符号组成的多模态性。而且,当今社会所有国家都在宣扬自己的文化,这使得翻译文化经典成为一种必需,同时,深切符合我国大力倡导文化“走出去”战略,所以其翻译意义重大。本文从多模态翻译视角出发,主要运用定性与个案分析方法对著名元杂剧《西厢记》的许渊冲英译本进行探究。本文除了考察译作对原作文本信息的传达,还进一步挖掘译作中如何再现原作的多模态信息。本文参照著名语言学家Gunther Kress、Theo Van Leeuwen的视觉语法和Theo Van Leeuwen的听觉语法理论基础,尝试建立一个适用于元杂剧《西厢记》的多模态话语分析框架。再次,在此框架指导下,从视觉模态和听觉模态对原作及许渊冲译作进行研究。分析发现,在视觉模态方面,主要研究许渊冲译本对再现意义、互动意义以及构图意义三大功能的传达,其主要涉及的符号有形状、动作、景物、颜色等。在听觉方面,予以传达的主要有声音时间、语调发音和音质音色三个方面,其符号涉及音韵、节奏、叠词和语气词等意象。根据不同的语境和预期功能,对许译《西厢记》文本进行多模态话语分析,发现该话语分析法在戏剧翻译中起重要的作用,为推动中国传统戏剧文化“走出去”贡献一份力量。本文通过对元杂剧《西厢记》的个案分析,发现多模态话语分析理论中的视觉模态和听觉模态,对戏剧语篇翻译具有较高的价值。该研究不仅将多模态话语分析拓展到了元杂剧领域,而且使观众能够从语言蕴含的模态中深刻领会该戏剧,提高了读者的欣赏水平。该研究也是元杂剧翻译研究的一个新途径,能为译者翻译策略的选择提供参考,促进我国的戏剧翻译事业的发展,让世界多方面地了解中国文化。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of multimedia and computer technology, multimodal discourse analysis has attracted more and more attention.The theory of multimodal discourse analysis is a kind of discussion mode which combines multiple modes. At present, the study of multimodal discourse analysis mainly focuses on theoretical interpretation, but rarely on drama.As a comprehensive art, Yuan qu is a model of Chinese traditional culture.Its collection of music, dance, makeup, performance and other elements, with a variety of symbols composed of multi-modal.Moreover, all countries in today's society are propagating their own culture, which makes the translation cultural classics become a necessity. At the same time, it is deeply in line with the strategy of "going global" in our country, so its translation significance is great.From the perspective of multi-modal translation, this paper mainly uses qualitative and case analysis methods to explore the English translation of Xu Yuanchong, a famous drama in the Yuan Dynasty.This paper not only investigates the transmission of the original text information, but also explores how to reproduce the multimodal information of the original text.Based on the visual grammar of famous linguist Gunther Kressberg Theo Van Leeuwen and the theoretical basis of auditory grammar of Theo Van Leeuwen, this paper attempts to establish a multi-modal discourse analysis framework suitable for the Yuan zaju "the West Chamber".Thirdly, under the guidance of this framework, the original works and Xu Yuanchong's translation are studied from visual mode and auditory mode.It is found that in terms of visual mode, Xu Yuanchong's translation is mainly concerned with the transmission of the three functions of reproduction meaning, interactive meaning and composition meaning, and the symbols involved mainly include shape, action, scene, color and so on.In the aspect of hearing, there are three main aspects: sound time, intonation and tone quality, and its symbols are related to phonology, rhythm, repetition words and mood words.According to different contexts and expected functions, this paper makes a multi-modal discourse analysis of Xu's translation of the book of the West Chamber, and finds that the discourse analysis plays an important role in the translation of drama and contributes to the promotion of Chinese traditional drama culture "going out".Based on the case study of the Yuan zaju "the West Chamber", this paper finds that the visual and auditory modes in the theory of multi-modal discourse analysis are of great value to the translation of drama texts.This study not only extends the multi-modal discourse analysis to the field of meta-drama, but also enables the audience to understand the drama deeply from the modal of language and improve the readers' appreciation level.This study is also a new way to study the translation of Yuan zaju, which can provide a reference for the choice of translators' translation strategies, promote the development of drama translation in China, and make the world understand Chinese culture from many aspects.


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