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发布时间:2018-04-15 06:21

  本文选题:儿童文学 + 儿童文学的翻译 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:儿童文学是一种以儿童读者为目标读者,反映儿童精神世界的文学类型。随着中国加深对西方世界的了解,西方儿童文学因其塑造儿童人格和世界观,和能在儿童课余时间为儿童带来正能量休闲时光的特性,越来越受到重视。在西方儿童文学引入中国的过程中,翻译是重要环节。译文质量的好坏决定着中国读者是否能够在情节、人物以及文体风格获得与原文读者类似的理解。本报告是基于英国作家S.E.达兰特的小说《小小的天》(节选)的英汉翻译过程而写。这部小说讲述了一对无父无母的姐弟米尔可和扎克在收养院斯基利之家度过的时光和成长经历。因本文类型为儿童文学,在翻译中,关键和难点是如何使译文符合儿童读者的期待和要求。译者选用尤金· A ·奈达的动态对等理论为指导,力求使译文达到充足的可读性,使中文读者在读译文的过程中能够得到与原文读者阅读原文近似的美的享受。本报告分为五个部分。第一、二章为项目介绍和译前准备。在第三章中,作者简要介绍了对等的概念和奈达的动态对等理论,以及如何实现动态对等,在第四章中,笔者以案例分析的方式阐述在翻译过程中如何采用动态对等进行翻译,使译文达到从语义到语体,在接受语中用切近原文的自然对等语再现源语信息,使译文读者对译文所做出的反映基本上与原文读者所做出的反映一致。最后一章总结了本次翻译实践的收获与不足。
[Abstract]:Children's literature is a kind of literature which aims at children's readers and reflects children's spiritual world.With the deepening of China's understanding of the Western world, Western children's literature has been paid more and more attention for its characteristics of shaping children's personality and world outlook and bringing positive energy leisure time to children in their spare time.Translation is an important link in the process of introducing western children's literature into China.The quality of the translated text determines whether Chinese readers can gain a similar understanding of the plot, characters and stylistic style as the original readers.This report is based on British writer S. E.Durrent's novel "Little Heaven" (excerpt) is written in the process of English-Chinese translation.The novel tells about the time and growth of a couple of motherless siblings Milco and Zach in the foster home of Scully.Since this article is of children's literature, the key and difficulty in translation is how to make the translation meet the expectations and requirements of the children's readers.Under the guidance of Eugene A. Nida's dynamic equivalence theory, the translator tries to achieve sufficient readability to enable Chinese readers to enjoy the beauty similar to that of the original readers in the process of reading the original text.The report is divided into five parts.The first and second chapters are for project introduction and pre-translation preparation.In the third chapter, the author briefly introduces the concept of equivalence and Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence, and how to realize dynamic equivalence. In Chapter four, the author illustrates how to use dynamic equivalence in the process of translation through a case study.In order to achieve the target language from semantic to stylistic and to reproduce the source language information with the natural equivalent of the source text in the receiving language, the response of the target text reader to the target text is basically consistent with that of the original text reader.The last chapter summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of this translation practice.


相关期刊论文 前3条

1 吴艳晖;;浅谈儿童文学翻译的策略[J];四川教育学院学报;2007年10期

2 黄粉保;论小说人物语言个性的翻译[J];中国翻译;2000年02期

3 贺阳;试论汉语书面语的语气系统[J];中国人民大学学报;1992年05期

相关硕士学位论文 前1条

1 卢毅;儿童文学翻译策略研究[D];苏州大学;2013年




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