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发布时间:2018-04-15 07:20

  本文选题:多元评价 + 高中英语 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English writing is not only the embodiment of students' comprehensive English ability, but also one of the four basic English learning skills.For a long time, writing teaching has been an important and difficult point in high school English teaching.However, according to the situation of the college entrance examination in Sichuan province in recent years, the students' writing achievement is not very ideal, and written expression has become one of the problems with many missing points.How to effectively improve students' English writing level has become a growing concern of teachers and students.As an important part of writing teaching, the way and effect of writing evaluation directly affect students' writing motivation and attitude.However, the traditional teacher-centered writing evaluation method is simple and mechanical. It only emphasizes the evaluation results, but neglects the evaluation process and the students' main position in learning.This is not only not conducive to the cultivation of students' initiative and creativity in writing learning, but also gradually reduces the students' writing motivation and interest.The English Curriculum Standard for Senior High School issued by the Ministry of Education (2003) clearly advocates the evaluation system that combines formative evaluation with summative evaluation, and encourages students, peers and teachers to pay close attention to and participate in the evaluation.In order to realize the diversification of evaluation subjects and evaluation methods, the evaluation really pays attention to the process of students' learning, emotion and strategies, and plays an important role in encouraging students to learn.Therefore, it is urgent and important to construct a diversified evaluation system of English writing teaching in senior high school.At present, the application research of multi-evaluation in English writing teaching in senior high school is still insufficient.In the process of English writing teaching, this study carried out a three-month phase application study combining teacher evaluation, self-evaluation and peer evaluation. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of multiple evaluation on senior English writing teaching, and to demonstrate the following three questions: 1: 1.What is the attitude of the students towards the present English writing teaching and multiple evaluation methods?What is the effect of multivariate evaluation on students' English writing proficiency?What is the impact of multi-evaluation on students' English writing learning strategies and cooperative spirit?Based on the previous studies on multiple evaluation, this study designed a questionnaire, a composition rating scale and a self-evaluation, peer, teacher evaluation form, using questionnaires, comparative experiments and interviews to solve the above three problems.The results show that compared with the control class, the writing interest and writing ability of the students in the experimental class have been greatly improved.In the process of using multiple evaluation, students have also developed better writing habits and strategies, and the ability of autonomous learning and cooperative learning has been improved accordingly.It can be seen that multiple evaluation can become an effective mechanism to mobilize students to actively participate in writing learning, help students to understand their own strengths and weaknesses in writing, and clear the direction of improvement.At the same time, it also helps teachers to update writing teaching methods and improve the efficiency and level of writing teaching.


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