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发布时间:2018-04-15 09:10

  本文选题:ARCS动机设计模式 + 英语口语学习 ; 参考:《青海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of globalization, English as an international language has been the concern of the whole society. For English learners, the ultimate goal of learning English is to communicate with others in English. A new round of curriculum reform also emphasizes the importance of oral English. However, English teaching situation is worrying most of the senior high school students, it is still difficult to communicate with others in English. There are many factors in oral English learning, motivation plays a very important role. This paper combines the ARCS model of motivation design and oral English teaching, the main purpose is to enhance the students' learning motivation and the continuing motivation four stages. This study mainly includes: firstly, the teacher should use the questionnaire and oral test to understand the students' speaking ability and motivation level. Secondly, teachers should choose and design Some motivational strategies to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of the students, such as the strategy to attract the attention of students, so that students have correlation strategies, confidence building strategies and satisfaction. Thirdly, teachers should make the ARCS model of motivation design application in the design of oral English course. In this process, teachers can choose some new and interesting teaching content to attract the attention of students, at the same time, the selected topic should be students familiar with the topic and can make the students in the learning process to oral English learning and daily life together, when students participate in oral activities, teachers should help students establish confidence and satisfaction. Finally, in order to whether validation of ARCS model of motivation design will have enthusiasm for oral English learning motivation, teachers should once again test the students' speaking ability and dynamic Machine level. This research from the angle of theory and practice, the main purpose of the ARCS model of motivational design for oral English teaching to stimulate and maintain the students' learning motivation, and puts forward some practical suggestions on oral English teaching. If the ARCS model of motivational design in motivational strategies can effectively improve students' oral English learning motivation, the author hopes that these strategies can be widely used in oral English teaching.



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