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发布时间:2018-04-15 11:39

  本文选题:教师话语 + 评价理论 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师话语是指教师在课堂上用来传递知识,组织课堂活动,与学生进行互动的话语。教师话语在课堂活动中一直起着至关重要作用,国内外学者对其进行了各个方面深入的研究。科学技术的发展把许多优质的课堂从教室发展到了网络上。大学网络公开课作为一种新的教育方式,一直是国内外学者研究的热点,也是未来教育发展的趋势。中国的网络公开课差不多与美国的公开课同时起步,虽然也得到了一定的发展,但与美国大学网络公开课相比,却面临着收视率低,资源得不到充分地利用等问题。评价理论自上世纪90年代被J.R.Martin和Peter White等学者提出之后受到了许多国内外学者的关注。评价理论由态度、介入、级差三个子系统构成。其中态度资源是评价系统的核心,而态度又可分为情感、评判、鉴赏三个次范畴。本文采用定量与定性研究相结合的方法,分别选取来自哈佛大学的四集网易公开课(每集包含一个主题)和来自清华大学的八集网易公开课(每两集包含一个主题),两类课程的主题都是关于积极心理学,以态度资源的子系统为理论基础来对比分析其在中美网络公开课教师话语中的分布规律,通过具体地对比分析得出造成资源分布差异的原因,进而为从事中国网络公开课的教师提供相应的借鉴意义。通过对比研究得出以下结论:中国的网络公开课教师话语中,情感资源最多,美国的网络公开课教师话语中,鉴赏资源所占比重最大。而在情感资源中,是否幸福在中美公开课教师话语中所占比例都是最大的。在评判资源中,中国的网络公开课教师话语更多地采用了能力(capacity)与规范(propriety),美国的网络公开课教师话语中能力(capacity)与真实(veracity)所占比重更大。对于鉴赏资源,反应(reaction)在中美公开课教师话语中所占比重都是最大的,在中国网络公开课教师话语中,价值(valuation)次之,而在美国网络公开课教师话语中,构成(composition)次之。导致此现象的一个主要原因是中美之间的文化背景和语言背景存在很大的差异。一方面,本研究证明了评价理论可以用来分析这种新兴发展起来的网络公开课语篇,另一方面作者发现在不同的课堂根据不同的主题去选取合适的态度资源可以增加课堂的趣味性,并有利于建立课堂上和谐的人际关系。
[Abstract]:Teacher talk refers to the words used by teachers to transfer knowledge, organize classroom activities and interact with students in class.Teacher talk has always played an important role in classroom activities, and scholars at home and abroad have carried out in-depth research on it.The development of science and technology has developed many high-quality classrooms from the classroom to the network.As a new way of education, the open course of university network has always been the hot spot of scholars at home and abroad, and it is also the trend of the development of education in the future.The online open course in China starts at the same time as the open course in the United States. Although it has been developed to a certain extent, it is faced with the problems of low ratings and insufficient utilization of resources compared with the online open course in American universities.Evaluation theory has been concerned by many scholars at home and abroad since it was put forward by J.R.Martin and Peter White in 1990s.The evaluation theory consists of three subsystems: attitude, intervention and differential.Attitude resource is the core of evaluation system, and attitude can be divided into three subcategories: emotion, judgment and appreciation.This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative research.Select four episodes of NetEase Open course from Harvard University (each episode contains a theme) and eight episodes of NetEase Open course from Tsinghua University (each episode contains a theme). The themes of both courses are positive psychology.Based on the theory of attitude resource subsystem, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the distribution law of attitude resources in the teacher discourse of Chinese and American network open courses, and finds out the reasons for the difference of resource distribution through specific comparative analysis.And then for the teachers engaged in China's online open classes to provide the corresponding reference significance.Through the comparative study, the following conclusions are drawn: in China, the emotional resources are the most in the online open class teacher talk, and in the United States, the appreciation resources account for the largest proportion.In emotional resources, happiness accounts for the largest proportion of teacher talk in Chinese and American open classes.In the judging resources, China's online open class teacher discourse is more often used in capacity and regulation of propriety.The proportion of America's online open class teacher discourse is larger than that of real teacher talk.For appreciation resources, reaction is the largest proportion in Chinese and American open class teacher talk, value evaluation is the second in Chinese online open class teacher talk, and in American online open class teacher talk, it constitutes composition. second.One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is that there are great differences between Chinese and American cultural and linguistic backgrounds.On the one hand, this study proves that evaluation theory can be used to analyze this newly developed online open class discourse.On the other hand, the author finds that choosing appropriate attitude resources according to different topics in different classrooms can increase the interest of the classroom and help to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships in the classroom.


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