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发布时间:2018-04-16 16:31

  本文选题:文化负载词 + 《骆驼祥子》 ; 参考:《河南工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Translation is a bridge in the communication of culture, and the translator is the engineer of the bridge.In the process of translation, translators are often influenced by the schemata of background knowledge in their own minds.Therefore, the whole process of translation is a process of schema processing, and the translation is a product of the interaction between the source schema and the target schema.Graphic theory is a branch of cognitive psychology. In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad have applied it to the field of translation, which provides an explanation for dealing with cognitive differences in translation.More words with distinct cultural characteristics are used.Nida classifies and explains culture-loaded words in detail and divides them into five categories, and points out the scope of each category of words.In the process of translation, the translator chooses the corresponding translation methods according to the different words.Under the guidance of schema theory, this paper makes a contrastive analysis of the translation of five kinds of culture-loaded words from three aspects: content schema, language schema and formal schema.There are four English versions of this book. Because of the influence of the different schemata between the East and the West on the translator's translation process, the English versions of Shi Xiaojing (China) and Gehor (United States) are selected as the research objects.There has been a considerable number of studies on the English translation of Xiangzi Locke, but less on the English translation of culture-loaded words. Most of the studies focus on the translation of Ivan King and Shi Xiaojing, and the translation strategies of the translators are also discussed.The theoretical framework is mainly ecology, teleology and so on.At present, no scholars have used schema theory to study the translation of culture-loaded words in Xiangzi Locke.The research methods adopted in this paper are comparative analysis and qualitative analysis.Culture-loaded words are typical expressions of culture. The translator's translation of culture-loaded words directly affects the output of the original culture. This paper studies the translator's translation from three aspects of schema theory.To contribute to the translation of Chinese literature.


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