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发布时间:2018-04-16 16:36

  本文选题:导学案 + 导学案教学模式 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语写作在英语教学中扮演着重要角色,并且被认为是展现个人语言能力的一个重要部分。如今的《普通高中国家课程标准》提出老师应该关注通过在写作课堂上用写作来培养学生的交际能力。如今,以老师为中心的写作教学情形是令人不满意的。在这种情形中,学生们缺少写作热情,甚至他们中的一些人害怕写作。结果是大部分学生的写作能力都很差。这就需要新的教学模式来激发学生们的写作兴趣,提升学生们的写作成绩。本文研究作为一种新的英语写作教学模式的学案导学(GLP)模式。本文旨在把学案导学教学模式应用到高中英语写作教学中,从而能看到学生们的写作兴趣是否增加,写作能力是否提高。基于建构主义理论、人本主义理论、认知主义理论和最近发展区理论,本文试图回答以下两个研究问题:1.学案导学教学模式能够激发学生在高中英语写作中的学习兴趣吗?2.学案导学教学模式能够提高学生的高中英语写作成绩吗?为了找到以上提出的问题的答案,开展了为期四个月的实验研究。研究参与者是来自鞍山市矿山高级中学高一年级两个平行班的89名学生,这两个班级是随机选出的。选择以学案导学教学模式进行教学的班级作为实验班,以传统方式进行教学的班级作为控制班。本次实验采用的实验工具包括问卷、测试、访谈。SPSS 19.0数据分析软件是用来分析从测试和问卷中搜集到的数据。根据实验结果,本研究得出以下结论:学案导学教学模式能够激发高中生的英语写作兴趣,并且能够提高他们的英语写作成绩。
[Abstract]:English writing plays an important role in English teaching and is considered to be an important part of personal language competence.Nowadays, the National Curriculum Standard for ordinary High Schools suggests that teachers should focus on developing students' communicative competence through writing in writing classes.Nowadays, teacher-centered writing teaching is unsatisfactory.In this situation, students lack enthusiasm for writing, and even some of them are afraid of writing.As a result, most students have poor writing skills.This requires a new teaching model to stimulate students' interest in writing and improve their writing performance.As a new teaching mode of English writing, this paper studies the model of learning plan and learning plan.The purpose of this paper is to apply the learning-case instruction model to the teaching of English writing in senior high school, so as to see whether the students' writing interest and writing ability will increase or not.Based on constructivism theory, humanism theory, cognitive theory and the theory of proximal development region, this paper attempts to answer the following two research questions: 1.Can the teaching model of case study guide stimulate students' interest in English writing in senior high school?Can the teaching model of case study guide improve students' English writing achievement in senior high school?In order to find out the answers to the above questions, a four-month experimental study was conducted.The participants were 89 students from two parallel classes in grade one of mine senior middle school in Anshan City. The two classes were randomly selected.The experimental class is chosen as the experimental class, and the traditional teaching class is chosen as the control class.The experimental tools used in this experiment include questionnaire, test, interview. SPSS 19.0 data analysis software is used to analyze the data collected from the test and questionnaire.Based on the experimental results, the following conclusions are drawn: the learning plan guidance model can stimulate high school students' interest in English writing and improve their English writing scores.


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